overdue photos, fresh memories. (Start viewing from the bottom most photo:)
Sunday, February 28, 2010, 2/28/2010 09:09:00 PM
Two months overdue but hopefully not too late! :D
Really awesome trip & I'm glad I went. Photo post!
Emelia & Ashleigh -- We meet in Japan!
High School Visit :D
Nagasaki Peace Park (:
Explains how strong the wind is :D
Feeding seagulls on a ferry :D:D:D
Miki House!
Breakfast at Miki House! There was more stuff just that I was already eating (:
HAHA. APU hostel. I actually found this rather amusing.
Sleepyheads from 1B -- Monastry in the morning.
Post tea ceremony. (:
My roommate (for two nights) & bus seating partner -- Deborah! Btw, Korura Castle:D
This was probably the best moment on the entire plane trip -- sunrise at 5am above the clouds.
I guess it made up for the less than comfy seats & odd departure timings (:
Okay back to work (: