![]() Wednesday, July 30, 2008, 7/30/2008 09:13:00 PM
Although touch rugby is fun but I shall TRY not to do the perpendicular passing thing cause it didn't actually work out for me. Ended up on the ground with bruises): Geography test was all right I think. Hopefully social studies tmr will be okay too :x Tuesday, July 29, 2008, 7/29/2008 09:15:00 PM
Touch rugby is fun dirty & violent but the cons aren't enough to deter me for getting in the game time after time.Hopefully it doesn't rain tmr so we'll be able to go to the field again(: I need to move run kayak & do something constructive after being crammed up in libraries on saturdays(: All right, people have been asking if it's worth spending our best years mugging away instead of living life to the fullest. Right, mugging isn't the perfect way to spend life now but without the olevel cert I am quite certain I won't go very far. Furthermore it's already the last lap, all the way(: to brother, they challenge ends in 33days jiayou! Sidetracking: I got service award for debate:D Monday, July 28, 2008, 7/28/2008 09:08:00 PM
Im sort of happy this all filming for class video is DONE(:thankyou<3 I can see how I'm going to plunge into another swirlpool as I see that geography paper is on wednesday, social studies is on thursday, english on friday & all three sciences in two days on monday and tuesday. GREAT high time we go mugging): Sidetracking: I think we're going to get out h.chinese commontest results soon & I don't feel good about it because I wrote the same answer for 3 out of 5 questions. Smart): But on the brighter side, Emaths.Amaths.EnglishPrelimOral= A1 :D Btw, GradNight is at Swissotel Merchant Court. I dont know how good or bad it is but pray it'll be rockin'.YAY we're going to get a room there I think, which isn't a bad idea(: Wednesday, July 23, 2008, 7/23/2008 09:37:00 PM
Sunday, July 20, 2008, 7/20/2008 11:26:00 PM
because I was bored during physics. It's alright, mrs chiang knows about it (: I have too many photos to post but many of them are too camwhorish & this totally doesn't reflect who I am(HAHA!). Similarly, I can't find any pictures for me to put on my msn dp. Sidetracking: I think my english oral is tomorrow. However the fact is that I think Im going to screw up my Olevels, don't you think so? Physics SPA 3 is this week but I've not started studying. The alarm is going off veryvery soon. Maybe I just shouldn't stay for night classes tmr): Plus I just decided to buy a dress online(: Friday, July 18, 2008, 7/18/2008 07:59:00 PM
At last, our 409 As a matter of fact, we got it yesterday but some of them had gone home so most of the peeps got it today. & most probably we're going to get it reprinted for the guys, teachers and the rest too. In my opinion, it's pretty & comfy, but only if the words were a little higher(: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO JOCELYN! Pictures from lunch at bpp cafe cartel too! What a pity I can't post the rest of the pictures in my camera cause it's being used for class video. zz HAHA i think we're going to have an uber gay class video:) Monday, July 14, 2008, 7/14/2008 09:40:00 PM
Night Classes/Consultation time officially begins today. I think it's pretty fun and to some extent, productive. Moreover there's dinner provided & if you're with the right people it's great(: OhYes and mabel came down too(: Note to self: im way behind schedule.98days to olevels. Friday, July 11, 2008, 7/11/2008 11:11:00 PM
It is time that I cut the hours I spend with my tablet& shift them into book worksheets assessments tys. Im sort of glad that after all those screaming/laughing/embarrassement, our class graduation video has made some progress as we managed to get some clips and photos out of the cameras. Hopefully they turn out just as we expected & it'll be rockin' :D Anyway Emergency Evacuation exercise wasn't that bad because we skipped an hour of English & got early recess, & managed to play quite a bit of games while waiting in the field so it wasn't all that boring.(: Plus tmr meeting rachel jingwei cheryl abigail tmr morning(: Cheers, we're getting our hoodies soon! Gra, anois go deo. Wednesday, July 09, 2008, 7/09/2008 06:00:00 PM
I think I have just irritated almost half of 409 but making everyone stay back for GradNight Video Filming.It was partially due to problems with planning and too many NG shots etc but all in all, we'll like a nice pretty video that we'll be proud of. If you are really pissed then im really sorry about it that. That aside, I still love you guys loads(: Rugby is a fun game btw. Except people tend to touch each other in the wrong places by accident and everyone falls in the field, head of heels.I don't think the game is as bad as it seems:D Anyway Berton, all the best for uni and thanks for always being there for me to pour out my problems to.(: Cheryllll. mug mug mug out alright(: Friday, July 04, 2008, 7/04/2008 09:22:00 PM
empty empty empty.i think it's time i get back to mugging. I've been going out everyday this week At least 409 girls hoodie has been settled:D I realised that most of the classes are either done with their class video or are already half way through. We've yet to start on it proper so their's alot of things to plan rush film do. let's make it a hit shall we? (: Debate ROD
Tuesday, July 01, 2008, 7/01/2008 06:38:00 PM
ROD party isn't just rod, but rather relief of duties:) Time passed really quickly. It feels like just two days ago that we were have late night trainings at SMU and reading up about irritating irrelevant stuff that we dislike(fyi, politics and UN used to be something I detest, seriously) Open-class room is a nice place, it's probably good that we don't have a permanent CCA room so we can pop by to use any room. If it wasn't for debating, I'll probably hard ever go to ideation room, leadership room, and the AVAs. Anyway I think my juniors are great. Thanks for putting in so much effort to put things together even though you guys dont have alot of people to start with. Great Job & hope you guys go far in whatever you do(: Call us back for tournaments alright! Sec Fours: I love you guys to the max, all the best as we go our separate ways and hope that we'll get to meet up again sometime soon. All the best for upcoming common class tests, prelims and olevels(: Last but not least, have a pretty prom(: |
Evelyn Hoh♥
4thMarch1992RJC 10A01B Hadley Hullett 04 evelynhoh@gmail jellybeanjars.lj adores♥ raspberry souffle. Moroccan Mint tea latte. frozen yogurt. stitch. volcom. debates. shades. late night talks. camps. pretty notebooks. mahjong. blazers. tcc. airports. faber drive. hey monday. Adidas Sleek Series. nat geo caffe small talk♥
adieu♥ Aaron Abel Afiqa AiYing Alethea AmandaLow Andrea Andrina BaiFeng Beverly CassandraChong ChaoHsien Charlene CharmaineNg CharmaineTeh Charis Cherise CherngShing CherylLeong CherylSeow Chrysan Clarence ClaraChooi Clarissa Denise Eisabess Emelia Estella EugeneChua EugeneLee EugeneThaddeusLee FangYu FeliciaKang FuZhong GongJing HaiWei HADLEYHULLETT! HanLyn HweeChang Irene Ivan James Jane Jarrel JasmineTeo Jency JianXiong JingRu JoelLim JoeyLee Jowell JudithAng Juulia KahSwee KaiWenPHOTOS Karine KevinLee KianChoong Kieran KitYeng LanYa Leonard(OBS) LiFen LiLin LiMin Lionel(OBS) LiTong Lorraine Mabel MatthewChan Michelle Moggallana Nick NHStudentCouncil Phoebe RachaelGan RachelChen RachelOon Ranie RaymondTham Rossellini Ruth QianYi SBMYouth SereneYeo Sherlyn Sherman ShiXiong SiLing Sinta Tazkiah Titus Valerie WanLing WenFu WenJing LeeXinYi YanLing YiAn YingChen YingHui YiNing YiYan YuYuan Archives
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