Tuesday, April 29, 2008, 4/29/2008 09:55:00 PM
NAPFA five stations test was today :x A: SBJ (189cm) A:Inclined Pull-Up (18) A: Sit&Reach (47cm) A: SitUp (31) B: ShuttleRun(11.40s) If im not wrong I did the rest in one attempt each, But i did shuttle run six times. Bussed down to vivo with cherylleong:D Free Cone Day was pretty good(: the staff were super friendly & we got to see quite some people like yaozhong huishan kuanlian siewkiang alvin zhiwen etc. queue was long but we had our geog texts to it wasn't that bad(: Some random aunty behind me went: "omg you can study here? i think your school should give you an award for multi-tasking.nanhua right? ok." -.- chunky monkey and new york super chocolate fudge are good(: When you had to look away, When you dont have much to say, That's when I love you, I love you just that way.. Monday, April 28, 2008, 4/28/2008 09:17:00 PM
I THINK MR CHAN IS SUPER CUTE(:me: Can I not take five stations for NAPFA tmr? -big smile- mr chan: why? me: tmr is free cone day! :D mr chan: no, it's was last week(: me: tmr is the 29th of April. mr chan: EHHHHHH. nvm lah icecream makes you fat. me: thinner than you :D mr chan: -pouts- EL and HCL paper one today :x I think im being an uber spastard Cause I did arguementative when mr arthurkok and mrhogan said that we shoudn't. "Practising euthanasia is equivalent to murder".. & no one else in fournine wrote cause some couldn't figure out what euthanasia is, & some others just didn't wanna risk it :x ANYWAY, free cone day is still free cone day(: tmr going to bus down immediately after NAPFA(: cherylleongshufen let's do 5stations quick:D Sunday, April 27, 2008, 4/27/2008 11:11:00 PM
11.11pm already& I've EL and HCL paper one tmr. EVELYN STOP ONLINE SHOPPING NOW): random fact: augustine likes to watch cartoons(: , 4/27/2008 12:21:00 AM
pictures speak louder than words(: Dont worry, we didn't boil it(: Someone, didn't want to tag because he didn't see his name on my blog. Ironically, I was making his birthday card :x YESTERDAY was Speech Day. School ended at twelve(: so we called for pizza, again. &Mass mugged at SkyGarden with cheryl amanda yanling yunian jingwei & speech day was so-so. Didn't do patrol duty cause there wasn't a need to. JUDITHANG IS A BIMBO momo a.k.a rachel, SEND ME CLASS PHOTOS K(: TODAY= JRL with madeline and clarence hello my goodfriend, I miss you alot. I know you wont be reading this, and even if you do, you wont know it is you but still I decided to post it here anyway(: Life just doesn't feel right without debate.Without egophoon, without eugene to bitch to, without jwong to bully me, without late night script chionging.. etc. too many things to miss i guess. Done with the Bimbotic part of my post, & now the not so bimbotic part(: Just read the news about thing little boy who got flung out of his school bus and died. If you were the girl sitting beside the little boy who got flung out, how would you feel? I'll probably never want to ever take a school bus again and scream whenever a vehicle breaks. Sometimes I stop to ponder, to decide if life is fair. Well sometimes, it is but sometimes, it just isn't. Many things don't work our way in life but what to do.. Thursday, April 24, 2008, 4/24/2008 08:35:00 PM
OMGXZXZ. MIDYEARS IN FOUR DAYS ):sorry berton, decided not to go and watch div one tmr): Yah okay i know tmr's council duty sounds kind of shitty like er petrol around the school's 3rd 4th 5th 6th level from 5-8pm when others are confortably sitting in the hall etc But looking on the bright side I'll prolly get to mug Or do something constructive. Well, hopefully(: So it'll be 3hours with weiyanling simyijun and gregoryhan. I think it'll be alright(: & it's time to mug real hard or i'll never reach my target for midyears ): P.S: haha mrslimaitee thinks im cheerful :D she is super cute. Sunday, April 20, 2008, 4/20/2008 10:01:00 PM
LET THE PHOTOS DO THE TALKING(: FRIDAY!! CLASS LUNCH & SPORTS DAY. even though it's only half of the people.
Thursday, April 17, 2008, 4/17/2008 10:54:00 PM
Berton Lim says: i intend to go early and scare the wits out of ________Evelyn says: eh. How? Berton Lim says: my pervert-like laughter. "you think you are gonna win?" then my pervert-like laughter again Evelyn says: ?!?! LOL. MrSanYuen, hope you find your phone! On a lighter note, SportsDay wasn't that bad(: & most of them pangsehed at the last minute w/o informing. Kind of disappointed but well whatever(: RAH photos another day because my tablet is functioning weird. Physics remedial today & waited for two hours for madeline Before heading down to harbourfront for Andrina & STC funfair:D Surprising, saw augustine alvin etc plus vicky ernest hangqi kaiwen pearson & some NH people. & YAY managed to meet yongwei brother after 41532 years. Tuesday, April 15, 2008, 4/15/2008 10:12:00 PM
five hundredth post :DYet I've not decided on a new url. I know that sounds kind of sad But well, that can be left till a later date(: MAJOR EDIT. I REALISED THIS IS NOT 500th POST because blogger began saving alot of my drafts. Unknowingly, I deleted them because they are all one liners.HAHA. YAY so i can change my url on 500th post already(: Quite a fair bit happened since I've last posted I guess. Watched Quarters and SemiFinals in the past two weeks & Yes of course, going to watch Finals for Bdiv and Cdiv this friday(: & hopefully get to see people who I have not seen in a while & for everyone who is running for top20, best of luck(: [DUH.everyone would want top20.HAHA] LIMSANYUENEUGENE. we will miss you alot and always. To end off on a lighter note, I quote.. MrHogan: -tries to find an excuse to say tuition is cancelled- hmm EVELYN?! my grandmother is in labour so I've got to go off later and thus there is no lesson today :D HAHA nice attempt but highly spastic(: Saturday, April 05, 2008, 4/05/2008 11:09:00 PM
Physics labwork was super confusing& yeah didn't lunch at rocky's Cause went down to potongpasir macs With Madeline to find FeliciaK & Andrina. YAY one more post & i'll be changing blog url already:D And when your mad cause you lost a game Forget Im waiting in the rain Baby i love you, I love you anyway Friday, April 04, 2008, 4/04/2008 09:54:00 PM
wednesday thursday friday. im getting lazy to blog because i can't think of a new url. friday = tired. Nevertheless went to watch quarters still(: Zoomzoom home BUT I realised I didn't bring my key & there was no one at home. gg. In desperation, phoned cuzzie & went to her home(: Bathed Changed But made a fashion disaster out of myself. Nevermind late alrdy :x Dont grumble(: Eugene came down, packed macs, nearly got lost & went to opss when apparently they had left without telling us BUT we still reached earlier & had time to finish dinner :D YAY opss won(: Posed as a reserve -.- HAHA. Eh since no debate notebook with me thus no tracking done:x & one freaky fact, it takes a gay to know a gay [inside joke:D ] But it's is vvscary k. HAHA. c'est quand je t'aime. If you dont understand then it doesn't apply to you :D |
Evelyn Hoh♥
4thMarch1992RJC 10A01B Hadley Hullett 04 evelynhoh@gmail jellybeanjars.lj adores♥ raspberry souffle. Moroccan Mint tea latte. frozen yogurt. stitch. volcom. debates. shades. late night talks. camps. pretty notebooks. mahjong. blazers. tcc. airports. faber drive. hey monday. Adidas Sleek Series. nat geo caffe small talk♥
adieu♥ Aaron Abel Afiqa AiYing Alethea AmandaLow Andrea Andrina BaiFeng Beverly CassandraChong ChaoHsien Charlene CharmaineNg CharmaineTeh Charis Cherise CherngShing CherylLeong CherylSeow Chrysan Clarence ClaraChooi Clarissa Denise Eisabess Emelia Estella EugeneChua EugeneLee EugeneThaddeusLee FangYu FeliciaKang FuZhong GongJing HaiWei HADLEYHULLETT! HanLyn HweeChang Irene Ivan James Jane Jarrel JasmineTeo Jency JianXiong JingRu JoelLim JoeyLee Jowell JudithAng Juulia KahSwee KaiWenPHOTOS Karine KevinLee KianChoong Kieran KitYeng LanYa Leonard(OBS) LiFen LiLin LiMin Lionel(OBS) LiTong Lorraine Mabel MatthewChan Michelle Moggallana Nick NHStudentCouncil Phoebe RachaelGan RachelChen RachelOon Ranie RaymondTham Rossellini Ruth QianYi SBMYouth SereneYeo Sherlyn Sherman ShiXiong SiLing Sinta Tazkiah Titus Valerie WanLing WenFu WenJing LeeXinYi YanLing YiAn YingChen YingHui YiNing YiYan YuYuan Archives
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Design: doughnutcrazyImages: yunyunsarang Textures: I II |