![]() Sunday, March 30, 2008, 3/30/2008 10:42:00 PM
clarence get well soon from this long-named respiratory thing(:btw congrats upon getting to quarters(: Saturday 290308= Fun-o-rama at ACJC & funfair at SNGS. Andrina and I went zoomzoomzoom Super sleepy cause I reached school as early as leezhihaneugene Both our parents had to work so caught a ride earlier, which was like 2wholehours. & of all times, NH had to spray mozzies in the morning D; Physics lesson wasn't that bad(: Skill3 was alright so changed &bused to central &trained to buona vista to meet Andrina. FUNORAMA was flooded with people i concluded that prolly AC is nice(: &they're very creative and interesting.HAHA. Trained down to SNGS where there was another funfair(: Larger scale, just as high But more typical tho. Pretty fab as a whole(: However Andrina and I were thristy hungry tired again-.- So macs then SBM(: feliciak's STC funfair 19April. Who wants to go? (: YAY. 3rd funfair. Sunday 30032008: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CYNTHIA! tution was typical. Mrhogan decided to grow moustache + beard-.- & he thinking I am well-read.LOL Because he gave us this topic to work on & i brought my debatenotebook. HAHA yay. sametopic. Im too tired to blog :x Monday 31032008 softPINK guzheng tee is finally here! physical conditioning is tiring and boring. Exhausted thus slept vearly. YAY. Tuesday 01042008 CEP- missjesselim didn't come. physics- out-of-class lab work. egeog- mrtan didn't come. hcl- mdmfoo went for healthcheck maths- did a test. no lessons. english- mdmjunaidah was at the minister's talk. [end of school. how interesting(: ] DEBATE is the love no matter what happenes(: try this of you have nothing better to do:D http://www.oneplusyou.com/q/v/caffeine
Saturday, March 29, 2008, 3/29/2008 12:11:00 AM
3...2...1...THANKS bertonlim eugenelim for lotsa effort and coaching(: THANKS misskali missrani team for coming for trng & supporting case(: THANKS jlynn shaunquek liwen kevinleung clarence for coming to support(: YAY we won RV by a unanimous decision(: YAY opss got div3 1st ranking for prelims(: We didn't get into quarters & i can't find an emoticon for this. Im not exactly disheartened or crushed due to the results. I just dont know how to react &maybe RV is right, this is known as the shock factor. berton yongwei misskali, im alright dont worry. Life still goes on just like how my passion for debate will. Div1 & Div2 results were certainly unexpected to some extent. Div3 im not too sure cause haven't been following up much. Quite a few schools that "should" be in there weren't there & two or three came in as much of a surprise. I shan't name but congrats to all & best of luck for upcoming rounds(: Sidetracking from the evening, I am really disappointed in a particular team. If you're trying really hard to guess, it's not nanhua DUH._. & to that team, you guys left me a good impression the first few times I met you guys because of your passion and determination. However what really irritates me is that you all actually pre-judge your opponents &in a case when they appear to be not as good as you, you actually send in your reserves instead of your team. I dont know if it's your seniors' ideas or your teachers' or yours but ultimately, it just reflects how much you guys value what you do. It is indeed really sad to see talent put together to waste in such a team and to find out that under this somewhat pretty shell, everything is hollow. & yeah, I'll never want to join your school team/ cca whatsoever. Those who know who im refering to, good. Those you dont know, nevermind(: Not that important. Enough of rantings, FUN-O-RAMA with Andrina tmr(: & I think quite a bit if NH people going too. Mr.ThreeDollars, thanks for the tickets(: Monday, March 24, 2008, 3/24/2008 09:17:00 PM
random incidents..MrHogan: Now I want each of you to make a sentence beginning with the "to infinitive".. Mr Ang a.k.a ZiYuan, would you like to start first? ZiYuan: -give the im pondering look- "To be a fast runner, buy nike and just do it" ... ... me: hey actually what can we do at funorama? eugene: -shrugs- why ask a graduated ac guy? Ask someone who is there now lah. together: -turn around to see this very amused ac guy staring blankly at us- OOPS :x ... ... Maybe chaohsien is right. A pretentious life may not at all be that bad. I think I've been flaring up too frequently at my debaters and sometimes, classmates. Maybe to me it really means alot to win this round and more importantly, to get into quarters. At least, we would have a chance to get the proposal through because once our batch graduate, we would have this dying cca here and is this really what we wanna see when we come back? & maybe it is partly so that when we step down someday, we would say that we've done out best and that we really valued this opportunity. I know this sounds really selfish but...im at a loss for words now. Yongwei + chaohsien + 409 + team + eugenelim + berton ,thanks for all the encouragement you guys have been giving me. I really appreciate it(: Saturday, March 22, 2008, 3/22/2008 08:44:00 PM
![]() ![]() goodFRIDAY. niceSATURDAY. easterSUNDAY. I dont celebrate Easter but I want chocolate easter eggs(: Flag Raising for Sec Fours today at 8am I woke up at 740am. YAY. brushedteeth washedface bathed worecontacts drankmilo tiedhair & zoomzoom to school. time check 810am. Phew, not that late after all :D Amanda was late, Jocelyn decided not to come, Cynthia wanted to go to BuonaVista & so we split up with Alethea & I going to TohYiDrive. Surprisingly there were others like Clive, who went there too. It was alright & even better than I expected :D We were done pretty early so OreoCheeseCake + Breakfast at Alethea's House + Finished one SEQ + Alot more talking before her dad sent us to school:D I think we're going to go back to TohYiDrive the next flag day:D YAY I finished my script Friday, March 21, 2008, 3/21/2008 01:24:00 AM
Saturday 160308:Vearly in the Morning = wake up + breakfast + pay respects to gramps at mandai. Not so early in the morning = Drive down to J8 to get shilin Afternoon =Mug at macs with FK, marble, forester(: + sharing at SBM. Night= Dinner at granny's house. YAY thanks alvin for the stitch(: Sunday 170308: Having nothing better to do, I stayed back at Mr.Hogan's for GP class with bertina and all, Only to realised that that mean i'll have to do GP hmk for the week and also means that i wont be able to study for tests.WOW. Monday 180308: Back to school(: I woke up at 3am to study for chem test but it somehow got postponed to next week:( great. & I studied for BIO(spa) and it got postponed to next week too. & 80% or the class didn't study for Bio Test [DUH you can't have SPA and test together] But there was Bio Test D: & so it got postponed:D Tuesday 190308: Miss Sathi is sick:( & some really tall guy came in & we got to go to the computer lab to play some really retarded game But it can be quite fun though(: Alethea Amanda and I were hogging one computer and trying to do some really weird questions.HAHA.Should go and try in and you'll realised that you probably dont know alot about Singapore.LOL In case you're wondering, SS lesson = SS-like game :x Debate was kind of whatever but when motion sets in on thursday, I think i should be alright(: Wednesday 200308: I think I screwed up bio test. Slept in the sickbay after recess & missed the entire lesson about diphthongs and vowels and cosonants-.- Guzheng practise didn't go that badly after all. Damien's becoming a chaomugger and im insprired to write it at the back of the class notice board since no one is bothering to decorate it after three whole months. As usual I must thank clarence for telling me the motion before Ms.Kali or Ms.Rani does so there is supposedly more time to ponder and prep it(: thank you(: THBT all forms of art should not be subjected to censorship. We're OPP against RV. Thursday 210308: School wasn't that bad. English test was retarded because it was a phonetics and oral test... IN WRITTEN VERSION(: HAHA. & we marked like half the paper and mdm.j marked the rest. For now, 35/46 x 100%= 76%(A1) YAY. & probably sitting at the back isn't that bad either Cause ashleigh and jenna were somewhat prepping case with me when the lessons were mundane, like in Emaths. & case set with eugene and team after school. It probably isn't too bad that our case is taking some shape But sadly I've not sorted out the details & my script is hanging in mid air.LOL & eugene please dont attempt to live on instant noodles.HAHA. k.i shall sleep now(: Friday, March 14, 2008, 3/14/2008 05:42:00 PM
492th post & i still have no inspiration for my new blog url.[ YESTERDAY Somewhat past midnight, & i was still in this uber random convo with eugene and berton & Still drawing up yellow papers with red scribblings. [inside joke.HaHa.] time check: 920am OOPS.Just woke up &Realised Im supposed to meet Andrina at 10am at NLB. Thankfully she couldn't make it in time too so pushed the time back to eleven & I realised that I was early(?!) & met hangqi then, J.Co Tiramisu Donut + Mos Clam Chowder = Breakfast Hip Cheese Fondue + Jumbo Splatter from BillyBombers = Lunch We ended up going to buy my bag instead cause didn't feel like studying:x & went back to mug at mos with marble:D TODAY; Chinese Remedial at nine. 1. I was punctual and in fact even early. 2. I finished all my HCL hmk.YAY! Debate was like alright to some extent and not so normal to some other extent. &Berton, I lived to tell the tale(: [inside joke 2] //update: i failed my chinese test.omg. Wednesday, March 12, 2008, 3/12/2008 09:55:00 PM
Now I know how it feels on the other end when I get a string of miss calls :xlimsanyueneugene pick up your phone :x //edit: okay picked up:D mugged with jeremiah singxuan at JRL from 1030 to 1730 but my holiday homework is still hanging in mid air. Quite a few other secfours like jane hannqian peixuan liwen xinglin chaohsien etc but now im sick of mugging:x i shall online shop.BYE(: Monday, March 10, 2008, 3/10/2008 08:46:00 PM
For once, internal conflict broke out amongst the team& hopefully it'll be the last of its kind since it has somewhat been resolved. mugging anyone? 730am nhhs canteen till 11am. tmr DUH with john and chaohsien and whoever that comes along:D & debate again:) 489th post.
Sunday, March 09, 2008, 3/09/2008 10:22:00 PM
I plan to change my blog url when i post my 500th postBUT I have till date I haven't thought of anything yet :x YAY! term break is here:D This means more time to finish my 23 pieces of undone homework & catch on debate which I think we have been lacking greatly BIG THANKS[no sarcasm really.] to barker, for giving us this timely wake up call even though I still dont think we should have lost it:x At least we have the holidays to train:D Saturday's CIP wasn't that bad & probably even quite alright:D CONDUCE CAMP 08 was FUN:D Although I was stuck in the classroom._. Didn't camwhore or join facis even though most of fournine was there Cause i didn't wanna run around at first anti-climax.HAHA Schools 8am-4pm tmr.Sounds great huh. ps: EMELIA ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR BALLET EXAM:D Friday, March 07, 2008, 3/07/2008 11:13:00 PM
ps: thanks to the others who wished me happy birthday like jiayi kaiwen coburn wufeng adelineteng eunice etc & of course yanling for the presents:DIM BACK FROM DEBATE. For those who didn't happen to know, it is round 2 prelims against acs(barker), & it was a marginal lost, largely on structure& rebuttals. singxuan&jeremiah: like what singxuan says,"great job:D & despite having presumptious people around, it only proves that eugene is not that screw up.HAHA" eugene&berton: that's if you even read this but anyway thanks for the effort you've put in & dont let your ego be crushed okay:D intensive training during holidays:D keep the rest of the stuff for tmr, so much for tonight:D Tuesday, March 04, 2008, 3/04/2008 10:53:00 PM
YAY im sixteen:D but i can't think of any NC 16 movies to watch yet._. Thanks for the presents & wellwishes:D Not in order of merit[HAHA], I wanna thank all of you for making my day great(: Yongwei[thanks bro for being like the first one to msg me at twelve:D],Ngcharmaine, Clara(s), alyssa, madeline, rachelchen, emelia, yian, kityeng, adelinechew, eugenelee, eugenelim, victortan, adelinekoh, annabellekoh, audreyyong, mummy, daddy, viviancheong, cherngyew, feliciak, myaunt, cherylleong, siahwanling, sereneyeo, yeechin, damien, yuyuan, yinghui, afiqa, zhenjie, xiaobai, andrina, hangqi, alethea, jocelynyeo, abigail, cynnyweewee, amandang, yingzhu, clarissa, jingru, craigven, qianyi, mskali, mradriantan, msjesselim, mrchan, mschngph, mrchiayl, mabel, gladys, irene,weimann, yongting, yanling, secthree&four councillors:D & manymany more.let me know if i missed your name out but anyway i love you all! Monday, March 03, 2008, 3/03/2008 09:12:00 PM
basically the past few days had been average.Saturday; I woke up earlier than usual. 2hours earlier than my saturday timings which means, 7am. Had breakfast with mum and dad before catching a ride down to raffles place mrt to meet the rest Met SBM ppl & went to Asian Civilisations Museum for this Nalanda Trail. It was quite interesting though many a time i dont really get what the exhibits are trying to tell us. Lunched at Subway & watched the leap years:D I think it was not too bad But could have been alot better in terms of the flashback methods used Seriously if the flashbacks were did up properly, i think it would have been alot better as the storyline would come out with more impact. zoomzoom down to have dinner with mabel & while she studied, i scripted my speech. & we went for the india retreat briefing. OMG I REALISED THAT I CAN'T GO BECAUSE O'S wont have ended. Sunday; tuition as usual. janice didn't come again. Mr hogan said I improved But i think next week he'll blow up again. I really dont know what to blog about. Today; I know I've been spending alot of time on debate I know I should be doing my homework and revising instead But do you know how important it is to me to win this match? Hello please please script in by tonight. HAPPY 4th BIRTHDAY:D
Sunday, March 02, 2008, 3/02/2008 09:40:00 PM
Alethea's 4th birthday and we went to her house:D & so eugene dropped me off at abigail's house first.thanks:D apparently she lives in the same block as mr pandian.HAHA All bathed.Some ate.& abigail's dad drove us down but we were still late-.- BOO! & suprise! tayweijie sabrinateo ngyining howardsoedargo abigailchee cynthiawee evelynhoh amandang raymondyeh gohjingwei craigvensim stormed alethea's house. But I dont know who spoilt it.thanks man thanks. k anyway, crumpler to the rescue:D [inside joke, see alethea's face.HAHA] DO YOU KNOW ALETHEA'S MUM HAS FAB COOKING? (: sushi eggtarts nachoswithsalsa sausagerolls rootbeer chickenwings etc &alethea, patrick makes a good pillow:D &mrs snuggles contains C-C double bonds because it decolourises upon addition of bromine:D Road Run:D
, 3/02/2008 08:00:00 PM
ROAD RUN WAS ALRIGHT :D miraculously I decided to run after three years & even more suprisingly, it wasn't so bad after all Maybe it's the wonders of my nano:D i didn't watch interclass soccer but i think they did well:D netball was much of a crash but i guess we had quite a bit of fun:D MACS = debate with eugene & team:D Our prep work is still hanging in the air. & there're many loose ends to tie up still. Don't worry we'll manage all the same(: to be cont'd in next post:) |
Evelyn Hoh♥
4thMarch1992RJC 10A01B Hadley Hullett 04 evelynhoh@gmail jellybeanjars.lj adores♥ raspberry souffle. Moroccan Mint tea latte. frozen yogurt. stitch. volcom. debates. shades. late night talks. camps. pretty notebooks. mahjong. blazers. tcc. airports. faber drive. hey monday. Adidas Sleek Series. nat geo caffe small talk♥
adieu♥ Aaron Abel Afiqa AiYing Alethea AmandaLow Andrea Andrina BaiFeng Beverly CassandraChong ChaoHsien Charlene CharmaineNg CharmaineTeh Charis Cherise CherngShing CherylLeong CherylSeow Chrysan Clarence ClaraChooi Clarissa Denise Eisabess Emelia Estella EugeneChua EugeneLee EugeneThaddeusLee FangYu FeliciaKang FuZhong GongJing HaiWei HADLEYHULLETT! HanLyn HweeChang Irene Ivan James Jane Jarrel JasmineTeo Jency JianXiong JingRu JoelLim JoeyLee Jowell JudithAng Juulia KahSwee KaiWenPHOTOS Karine KevinLee KianChoong Kieran KitYeng LanYa Leonard(OBS) LiFen LiLin LiMin Lionel(OBS) LiTong Lorraine Mabel MatthewChan Michelle Moggallana Nick NHStudentCouncil Phoebe RachaelGan RachelChen RachelOon Ranie RaymondTham Rossellini Ruth QianYi SBMYouth SereneYeo Sherlyn Sherman ShiXiong SiLing Sinta Tazkiah Titus Valerie WanLing WenFu WenJing LeeXinYi YanLing YiAn YingChen YingHui YiNing YiYan YuYuan Archives
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