![]() Wednesday, August 29, 2007, 8/29/2007 10:42:00 PM
today was YIJIE THE LOVE and I were doing gate duty prolly for the third day running. Initially all was fine bright cool and happy until Ms JesseLim came. *P.S: I just dont get why there's issues with gate duty.It has always been FINE and would continue to be.To date, I still dont see that the fault with our council duties. Felt really bad about getting john and exco into trouble. Sorry guys. However my point is that many rules in school in hard to justify and when problem arises the blame gets shifted around. Firstly, regarding front gate booking time. According to Mr. Fonseka, the booking time is 7.25am but leeway is given when flag raising starts slightly late. Eg. 7.30am on MOST days. Moreover, to our knowledge, it's that time at which we should start booking people. Apparently today we were told that we should start booking people who the national anthem starts. Irony: we are supposed to book at the main gate & we totally can't hear the PA system AT ALL Im amazed. Secondly, I do agree that in some aspects,that teachers should be given priviledges over students(eg. to take the lift etc), Im totally fine with that. Im also agreeable that we would lock the side gate at 7.25am sharp according to the school GO clock be it rain or shine. I also do not mind waiting for a teacher or two just before we close the gate, no problem. Despite that I was faced with a veryvery interesting statement: "You all should close the side gate at 7.25am sharp and wait behind the gate without locking it. You all can wait there until 7.30 or so and open the gate if A TEACHER COMES BY." I believe we probably have different reporting times, but if we consider using the sidegate a priviledge, ALL should not be given the priviledge of entering after 7.25am. Thirdly, refering back to point one, if people at the front gate would probably get say a minute or two of leeway on some days, WHY SHOULDN'T PEOPLE AT THE SIDEGATE BE ENTITLED TO THE SAME PRIVILEDGE? LOCK THE GATE JUST BEFORE THE NATIONAL ANTHEM STARTS THEN :) Anyway as secondary school students, I believe that students are mature enough to practice personal responsibility. If they want to hide in the toilets for i-dont-even-know-what reason, and by some very random unfortunate chance, they meet a mishap, does it mean that it's the councillor's, who probably let he/she in as he was one min late,fault? IF SO I'VE NOTHING TO SAY. oh, it was the bus driver's fault that i was late because he pulled over and waited 30 secs for the old lady to board the bus. HEHEH.IRONIC LINE. Monday, August 27, 2007, 8/27/2007 06:50:00 PM
At last I've gotten back all my results for commons. Call it a disaster whatever I dont know. L1R5 : 14 despite 4 A1s. I dont know what this is supposed to mean. Prolly it means my other 4 subjects can't make it or sth. SAVE MY PHYSICS :x Back to gate duty after a whole year, however instead of yaozhong, it's with YIJIE!! Anyway got back my chem file and apparently it's considered to be filed PROPERLY o.0 my pirated version of perfect file actually passed the test. HAHA.I wanna type but well, GEOG PROJECT DATELINE IS WEDNESDAY! Needless to say I've yet to touch it o.0 ciaos for now. Thursday, August 23, 2007, 8/23/2007 08:42:00 PM
BOMBERMAN !!Yes, it's your childhood PS game! ROFL.we're getting hooked on it thanks to raymond.HAHA. Mdm J was late so Alethea and I bomberman-ed till she came instead of doing the SEM Survey(: Survey was pretty nonsensical as they're asking the same things year after year -.- PE was volleyball again! Despite the lessons etc, I doubt I can even play decently yet.In any case, HuiQin, Yileen and Me went to play with the guys(: Felt dumb but funny(: Lunched out with Fel.K(: TomYamBanMian is the love(: Attempt to study at macs thereafter.mm.slightly better(: YAYYE! tmr meeting up with XPS friends for XinYi's farewell(: I love Mr.A.Tan! He is nice(: p.s: commontest was such a screw up.I'll wanna better score for geog, chem and emaths :X Monday, August 20, 2007, 8/20/2007 05:34:00 PM
Quite demoralised today cus results were erps. pretty bad. I kinda feel that Im already not having a life cus mugging seems to be the routine thus making me ponder even harder what shall I do for my EOY which is prolly 40 odd days away. I haven't the motivation to post, prolly cus I wanna sleep. Pasta makes me feel okay(: PIZZA HUT lunched(:P.S: thanks people(: for being really relly nice.I LOVE 309. Friday, August 17, 2007, 8/17/2007 10:23:00 PM
LAHDEEDAH.common test 2 is over. Not that I've done well or whatsoever, just that it means I can take a temp break. I FAILED HCL. Im freaking starting to worry for CL O's. HAHAHA.WINDUP SUSHI. Did I mention I bought Wind-Up Sushi too? HAHA. Towned with Clara today(: Watched Secret at CineLeisure(: Well, the acting of various actors was great, eg facial expressions and stuff can make you understand and feel for them but well, the plot was(in my opinion), not very original though. Prolly cus I've seen a few similar scenes before so it wasn't that interesting.Moreover the ending was abrupt.Should have elaborated more for make the show complete.However, on the whole it wasn't bad.Should go and watch it(: Monday, August 13, 2007, 8/13/2007 10:18:00 PM
![]() ![]() ![]() Exams aside, Fel.k, CS and me went to eat banmian today(: TOYS'R'US-ed and KFC-ed.Attempted to study but progress was not that great.I know very well this time in not paranoid.Im just plain unprepared for my very fantastic commontest. GREAT. I screwed up h.chinese already. & even it's only emaths and e.geog tmr, not the most taxing pair, i dont know why im still feeling that i dont know alot.Alot about everything.NanHua's just like competition.Will I have the energy to finish the race? *sigh.* Saturday, August 11, 2007, 8/11/2007 09:44:00 PM
Yesterday CIP was like erps. I dont know.I kinda of thought it would be so much better if it was postponed or something cus commons is just around the corner and as usual i remain unprepared etc. But well, despite the screaming/crying/crazy kids and my hands stinking of balloon, we ultimately had fun.Yes, all the very retarded crocodile thing at the fitness corner, the impromtu discotheque thing which didn't actually work :D ,& having ALOT of balloons burst in my face, I HAD FUN(:Im supposed to be mugging away now. How traumatising to see everyone's msn nick to be "mugging in process". & once again this proves how unprepared im for the commons -.- I concluded that I can't study in the library before common tests or I'll prolly fall sick, But despite all that, I was still munching on two rainbow donuts yesterday, considering that i've got a horrible sore throat that I dont sound like myself. Rainbow Donuts remind me of my late grandfather. I used to live with my grandparents when I was young. That might be one of the reasons Im pretty much close to them. Both of them are healthy people despite their age and usually walk at an amazing speed that i'll be running after them.[Even my mum runs after them okay.HAHA] Grandpa would always buy my a rainbow donut when he goes out. Not really sure why but well, I loved it so I didn't ask(: Each time he'll get me the same donut, from the same shop.He never forgot that. There came a day he didn't buy it. I was confused. He told me the shop closed down.I was pretty sad but accepted the fact. From that day I've not eaten rainbow donuts till recently when a new shop opened at clementi central. I must say that it tastes great(though not very worth it), but one thing it'll never replace the donuts that I used to eat would be the love. Grandpa can never buy me donuts again. Rainbow Donuts would never be the same again. I miss grandpa.. Wednesday, August 08, 2007, 8/08/2007 10:35:00 PM
i think i've got no lifecus all i see each day is paper and more paper words and more words.heaps literally. HELLO.Since when have I became such a nerd? I dont care I want lotsa kayaking after CT2 :D I MISS THE KAYAKING PEOPLE TO BITS(: Sunday, August 05, 2007, 8/05/2007 09:49:00 PM
just back home(:woke up early today,even if it's sunday. Went to JE macs in hope of getting some time to source for questions for clinic session and.. a very interesting phone call came to say that my session had to be postponed.LOL.so we went to take neos.HAHA dinner-ed at jack's place with mum,dad and marble. I did something dumb.ROFL(: Saturday, August 04, 2007, 8/04/2007 10:36:00 PM
Met fel.k at macs in the morning so we could eat macs breakfast. Didn't want the lunch meals.SORRY :/ I was 45mins late.HAPPY EARLY SIXTEENTH CHERNG SHING(:Felicia.K, marble and I finished a thousand piece puzzle in a day(: & of course spray painted it etc(: & adeline helped too(: Anyway I forgot that we already have 3 tubs of icecream at home and I got another o.0 3mins ago.. My back was facing the room door Daddy came in singing the wedding song, with a bowl in his hands o.0 I turned over an peeped in.Guess what was inside? NOTHING. daddy: HAHA.i just washed a bowl so you can eat icecream :D me: ROFL -.- Wednesday, August 01, 2007, 8/01/2007 08:41:00 PM
wednesday night.the clock is ticking away. im still sitting at home. I decided not to go for tuition. I'll needa sleep early before I fall asleep in SS test tmr. ROFL. 10factors and Im hardly done with much. I really dont know what's gonna happen, I can't care. Marble, Yanling and I went to central to try out the donuts and saw yining amanda cynthia and people(: It's prolly not the best but it's not bad(: Worth the try(: Off to Jurong Point to get my pencil case cus I dont want mine to fall apart say in the middle of common test or end of year. Coming to think of it, I've been using it for quite sometime already(: "What part of 'get a life' do you not understand?" has been changed to "MYUK says no to EMO". I think Hangqi needs it more than me lah :D TOM YAM BAN MIAN-ED again. well.I concluded that I can't take hot stuff.My throat is opposing it.WHATEVER. |
Evelyn Hoh♥
4thMarch1992RJC 10A01B Hadley Hullett 04 evelynhoh@gmail jellybeanjars.lj adores♥ raspberry souffle. Moroccan Mint tea latte. frozen yogurt. stitch. volcom. debates. shades. late night talks. camps. pretty notebooks. mahjong. blazers. tcc. airports. faber drive. hey monday. Adidas Sleek Series. nat geo caffe small talk♥
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