![]() Monday, October 30, 2006, 10/30/2006 06:20:00 PM
At HuiWen's House(: ![]() ![]() Saturday(prep for cheif's memorial service) ![]() ![]() ![]() hey.we put every bud in okay(: , 10/30/2006 04:33:00 PM
today I was slightly late for the leadership management course.Adrian Ang was the trainer as usual.HAHA.He is one lame guy. Did some simple activities and heard more of his stories(: I think nanhuarian have heard enough of his life stories such that we can make a book out of it(: Rather interesting(: Yeah.Had two breaks so we went to eat in one and slacked in another.Talked a bit to him during the second break.yayye.he thinks SBMY is nice(: freaking tired.Im having lunch now and it's four thirty.WOW. Sunday, October 29, 2006, 10/29/2006 10:10:00 PM
friday;daddy's birthday(: I suggested to go in to JB since all of us are free and we decided to go last minute and just went.LOL.Went to quite a few place to shop.Although it's supposed to be daddy's day but I ended up being the one shopping(: Got some stuff which were quite prettaye(: Came back to singapore and the damn singapore custom was oh-so-jammed up not cus of security checks but rather the person was taking like 5mins to chop one passport. How bad can that be?And the policeman didn't even check properply or sth.Being daddy was out of the car, the already slammed the boot down.ROFL.we are so secure and efficient.WOW. uber late already so I didn't go to SBM. Saturday; Slept late cus I was tired.But got up in time to go to people's park centre for some art materials with mummy before heading for grandma's house cus we decided to get them some stuff too(: Reach SBM at three plus. Nothing much to do around there at first but soon there was some stuff to help. Arranged some books, put up posters and did the flowers(: the flowers were nice(: wanling got really freaked out by a bug. it fell out of a flower and got onto zhenyu's socks.LOL. funny scene. The was memorial service for chief at night. lots of adults came so we sat outside. Not sure why they didn't open the hall upstairs but anyway there was this tent set up outside SBM.Ample chairs and stuff. Some venerables spoke about chief.ehh..I haven't got to know cheif in person but anyway according to them he was a humourous and nice chief.yeapps. And we started talking. stupid Madeline took pictures of me and victor AND deleted my video -.-" did alot of lame things and yeah, the night passed. sunday; didn't go SBM though it was kathina day.Meaningful even I must say. Haven't attended it before.Each time it was held, I had some else on. Went for kayaking class.I overslept HOWEVER, my classmates were later than me.ROFL.I was among on of the earliest xD Although we started late and there was rain here and there, we managed to finish stuff on time(: Learn more rescue methods and other skills. Anyway Colin wasn't our coach for this lesson cus there was this group of BB boys who came.ROFL. yeah. But kenny stayed with us(: Paddled out of the practice area to the bridge.I forgot what bridge but it's near some kinda bridge and went to this area where there was less current and we did the rescue thingy again.Our team did it five times instead of three cus we had nothing better to do.LOL.learnt more stuff but I think we need more practice.Who wants to go kayaking? Yeah.there was still time so we did this drill.I can't remember what's the name.Something like oil rescue??? It's not in the syllabus but anyway since we had time out there we tried it out too.It's a mass capsize and we needa empty the water out of kayaks at deep water. It went quite smoothly cus we used ONE minute to plan it.LOL. I was the one who drifted in the water with three kayaks and four paddles cus I decided that I didn't have strength to do the see saw.Prettaye cool but im all tired now and there's school tmr so ciaos.(: Thursday, October 26, 2006, 10/26/2006 09:23:00 PM
skip all the past few days.. Im being random today cus Im have alot of unorganised feelings. If you notice, the paragraphs do not flow=/today is the last day of school,the last day we are together as a class, twotwelve. Rather sad, i must say.Millions of thanks to those who wrote us lil notes/cards and in whatever way, expressed their feelings to everyone in the class. It's been two years. Seemed so short but yet, so happening. From a bunch of total strangers, we came together. It was those times where we played, aruged, yelled, laughed, rebelled against rules, did stupid things, gossiped with each other, we brought us even closer. When some one you dont really like comes up to you just to say"hey, thanks for being my classmate for this two years." that's the feeling of warmth and appreciation which buries all hatchets and gets us moving on.. I LOVE TWOTWELVE(: the moment we took the class photo got many people to realise, it's now or never. I guess it's the time when we took class pics most willingly.haha. anyway we went to quite a number of places today namely, labrador park, naval museum and kranji war memorial. the first two were rather boring, or rather I didnt know how to appreciate it. However, I think Kranji War Memorial is a nice place. Although it's kinda cemetry, but you dont get the errie feeling when you get there. Everything's so quiet and peaceful. Every bit in there seem as if it's been carefully placed in, just like a dance gracefully choreographed and performed. When we first came down from the bus and I looked in, I didn't see it as a cemetry but a place of liberation. The place is darn nice. It was until I saw tombstones did I realise it was a burial ground. If it was more convenient, I think it's a good place for mugging for exams. Peaceful. great. Back at home I was straighten some thoughts regarding where my faith lies, whether I should commit further or just break free. I was really afraid cus the further I searched, the more I couldn't find the reason why I should stay. What's the purpose spreading the teachings when most people dont practice them anyway? I rather lead the life whereby I can do more meaningful stuff like going around to homes to help out rather than getting together and discussing the teachings. Undoubtfully, theories are important but in life practical doings always prove more. From my point of view, I'll feel happier if I can cheer someone up or do something as simple as accompanying the person or being as listening ear,rather than spreading teachings. Maybe it's that im not spiritual enough to see the long term benefits but somehow I hope that I can help some people around me, even it's just some small. Im not someone so great. However, there's this series of articles posted by anghwee, which made alot of sense to me. It's about vegetarianism. okay, for the people around me, dont worry it's not im gonna go vegan or vegeterian right now. But I've just happened to come across this veryvery gross video which clearly explains how factory animals are treat from the day they are born till the day they are slaughtered. freaky, I didn't watch till the end cus it was to disgusting. After watching it you seriously wont wanna eat factory meat. On the separate post there are people's comments about going vegetarian. Of course it's subjective but rather true. hmphs..will cut down on meat stuff I guess(: Sunday, October 22, 2006, 10/22/2006 09:00:00 PM
im so fortunate cus i've got parents who are really supportive of me(:yesterday we went to huiwen's place to prep for debate.didn't prep much but talked alot.HAHA. her place is rather nice(: and we just realised that she's got a brother in nanhua-.-" like no one knew.HAHA off to raymond's place to help him with needlework before heading for SBMY. Lawrence shared about the retreat and got a sneek peek of lawrence and kaiyi's photos. it was nice(: very professional shots taken(: and off once again to grandma's place(: past the oh-so-crowded-and-squashed-up vivo city.people were grabbing stuff as if they were free of charge. you had to even queue up to get into the MRT-.-" out of the blue i saw aaron at harbourfront.okay.im being irrelevant.yarh. today(: i went for kayaking course with yiyan(: bought this non-authentic crocs shoes after breakfast so that I wont have to wear soaking shoes all around. It was darn last minute but it's a good choice though i think i wont be wearing it to any other place except to kayak. we were taught the names of most of the parts.we could hardly remember cus there were too many(: ohyeah. did i mention that in the class of nine, there were only three girls which were me, yiyan and adeline. she's nice and is the same age as us(: but the other good thing about having most guys is that you have people to help you carry stuff sometimes.[cus sometimes they want you to do it yourself.]they are a few years older than we are, making us the youngest people in class.LOL. we were made to swim a short distance to prove that we could actually swim.however we had to wear shoes. considering that my non-authentic crocs were limegreen, i felt like a frog.yes, you didn't see wrongly, FROG. you can try it if you want, but not in a swimming pool unless you wanna get caught. did some capsize drills and practised some other moves. forward and backward stuff were relatively okay but i can't go side ways. i end up going in circles. it seriously looks retarded when you see someone going in circles in the middle of nowhere.washed up and got this book.phew.it's not some theory assessment.HAHA. AND IM GOING NEXT SUNDAY(: Thursday, October 19, 2006, 10/19/2006 08:46:00 PM
yesterday;Did a short dry run at the SAC for friday's presentation before going for guzheng and debate.ROFL. guzheng songs are going on quite okay but it's alot easier than last SYF derh.LOL. either case, i'll still have to practise before wednesday comes or i'll be in deep trouble.HAHA. today; went to school at a grand early time of 7.44am cus we had to go back for rehearsal. it's early considering that its a holiday and i should be allowed to sleep at home.HAHA. But anyway, met elena and shao an so off we went(: after rehearsing once, elena and I left.HAHA. that was like 8.50am xD went to MJR to help out in camp publicity.hmphs. I lost my way there! HAHA. cus liangjian and junhao meant different routes and i listened to a lil of each.ROFL.Anyway, tried to help out. Thankfully didn't go out of voice.HAHA.However most people are like not enthu,the "hey, im trying to be polite but i really dont wanna go" look is placed on most faces. However there are also some prettaye nice people who were as enthusiastic as i was during my first camp, and just sign up without asking much. Sad to say, this is a minority. Rushed back home to get my debate prep notes cus I forgot to bring it. rushed like hell cus I didn't want to be late for coach's lesson. HOWEVER, she didn't turn up once again. Thankfully I met liwen in the mrt and we bought a lunch of club sandwich, or i would be starving.HAHA.i know she's got exams and deepavali but can she at least turn up after she has promised to?! The good thing was I had my notes. so I started to prep with christina. Ohyar. My team is made up of christina, me, jane and jeremiah. There is practise tmr too.Ohmann. tmr is student planning day too. Yayye. Miss Yeo allowed us to have one hour off to mug for debate xD LALALA. I<3 YOU miss yeo! LMAO. I ended up not gonna work cus raymond called last minute to say the order was urgent so he completed it already.LOL. jane and I are gonna find a holiday job(: okay. wis us good luck(: Tuesday, October 17, 2006, 10/17/2006 10:27:00 PM
tday we went to the dragon kiln.COOL MAN.went into the HUGE kiln and toured around the place. found some nice stuff there too! lalala~All of the stuff were handmade in singapore! COOL. there was this pro guy who was demostrating to us how to use a potter's wheel. He did stuff darn quickly. we tried but were slow.LOL. at least it didn't turn out weird(: Back at school there was alot of free periods and we were trying to find stuff to do-.-" there was a last min entrepreneurship workshop tday and madeline and I had to go.LOL.I was uber late,arnd 45mins cus I was in council room doing stuff.haha.partially playing and partially doing the student planning stuff.The workshop was quite fun lar.LOL.we were zihighing till the people didn't know what they could do with us.HAHA.okay.there's a presentation on friday and Im supposed to talk about *ahem* which would be our product. funnaye. Sunday, October 15, 2006, 10/15/2006 09:06:00 PM
I went back to SBMY today after a long time. I can't remember when I've last stepped in but anyway their was a short camp briefing and liangjian gave a presentation(: quite alright. Attendance was rather good.zeming said quite a few times that he was smile cus he was happy.LOL.shixiong was still going on with the lame joke he has been saying since a really long time ago, the one which someone says he looks like tom cruise.LOL.went to pepper lunch with mum and dad. shopped a lil at plaza sing. before i came home and typed this thingy to shixiong and continued typing and typing and talking on the phone and typed again regarding friday's student planning.Im still typing now.HAHA Friday, October 13, 2006, 10/13/2006 11:35:00 PM
back to school tday and got somemore papers back. for once, i didnt fail HCL!yayye! but im not sure about the overall. Other marks were okay I guess. ain't too bad.Better than those I got on tuesday, which was a total disaster.left with humans papers to get on monday.Hope that they turn out well so my report book would look nicer(:we got this streaming talk whereby the teahers and seniors told us about various subject. Most of the people were either sleeping or playing.ROFL.I decided to listen xD but it didn't turn out well cus now im wondering even more on what to choose.HAHA. Thursday, October 12, 2006, 10/12/2006 06:35:00 PM
tday i met yiyan at lavander mrt and went to kallang sea sports club to sign up for kayaking course.she was early and I was late.OOPS xP okay.we started walking and walking till this point whereby we realised that we've gone the WRONG WAY[okay.i admit.i was the one who went to ask the policeman.HAHA]finally found kallang sea sports club.Signed up and stuff and we went for LUNCH:) off to JEC and we went to the iceskating rink.it was crowded.REALLY CROWDED. the ice wasn't smooth either.but we saw yihui,kaiwen, jasmine and some juniors.okay.i dont know what are most of their names so yarhs.quite fun though:) went off at arnd 3plus and saw yihui,xuewei and daphne at the MRT.as a result, I went to cedans for bowling with them.first timer so ont blame me:) if im gonna get the ball into the left drain at first, i'll get it into the right one on my next shot.HAHA.lameness. AND NOW IM HOME,cus there's school tmr -.-" Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 10/11/2006 09:10:00 PM
hmphs.. this few days were rather alright except for the fact my endofyears are rather screwed. yeah, its not because of a tough paper but rather the lack of practise.this holiday shall be used to mug a lil more but of course the fun factor still stays(:monday; HAPPY BIRTHDAY JASMINE LYNN! NO NEEDA GO TO SCHOOL! cus it was marking day:) so we went iceskating! okay. since MOST of the other schools were still in the midst of their end of years, more than half of the rink was filled with nanhuarians. ABCs:) , threethirteen, clara&me and some others like zihui,jinghui and gregory. saw yihui,kahswee& co too. okay lar quite fun(: tuesday; HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHARMAINE! back to school and we got back ACC,maths and chemistry papers.ohman.im so screwed. I've got C5 for maths which is almost the lowest in class already;B4 for chem, alot worse than normal standards; A2 for ACC[hey, it's appreciation of chinese culture] though it's a open book test ALOT of people failed cus they either didn't bother to do or sth.I actually got A for calligraphy and chinese paintings.ROFL.I can't believe it. Debate after school. hmphs.they found this prettaye good site which provides good informatoin about the motion.HOWEVER, the freaking computer was against me cus it couldn't display the site -.-" SO i used jasmine's comp:) tried out some roles. Our content was fine but my rebuttals sucked.I dont know what I said to rebut kevin but I dont think it made much sense.two mins is very pathetic.they should extend the time:) wednesday; HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLARA! I went out with clara:) but I was late.LOL. shopped around dhoby exhange,plaza sing and marina sq. WE HAD LUNCH AT PEPPER LUNCH. I LURRVE THE FOOD! it's nice! go and try it! anyway I got myself two pairs of earrings,a rather exotic bracelet,a suede bangle and a dress from outfitters:) clara obviously boutght more stuff.HAHA.im lazy to list them:) tmr's gonna be a FUN DAY! Sunday, October 08, 2006, 10/08/2006 04:21:00 PM
EOYS is OVER(:but I've just realised this really amazing fact: Im jobless. Does anyone have a job for me? midautumn was erps..okay except for the fact that we had to close early due to the haze:( for those who have yet to get the news, our class total profit is -70cents[according to raymond] anyway, the lantern that clara and I made got first.yayye(: I dont know what to write here so CIAOS! Tuesday, October 03, 2006, 10/03/2006 10:18:00 PM
ohwell.it's a downside up world.tmr is science commontest and I still have a whole chunk of stuff which I cant cramp into my brain.thanks to alot of people who helped me tday. I think I was bursting gregory's sms by bombarding him with tons of questions.Went through answers with clara on the phone. asked jenna stuff on msn.yiyan mailed me the answers and called to confirm(: thanks people.ohyes.thanks melon for giving me ideas for the debate motion.CRAP. too little time left to do so much.tmr will be another day at woodlands regional library cus I dont wanna go home till dinner[it's with parents consent kks?] mum even volunteered to take leave to accompany me there(: thanks.We should be able to go home but unfortunately we cant cus our ears will be suffering a bombarding of questions.WHATEVER. those who are free between 7oct-10oct please let me know(: Monday, October 02, 2006, 10/02/2006 07:29:00 PM
Another screwed up paper.HIGHER CHINESE.shan't say more.Anyway I reached up unusually to find myself being bombarded by a whole chain of question from my aunt about the desktop at home. SO..I spent two and ahalf hours explaining to her while those people out there are mugging for lit. I ended up at cuzzie's place cus I knew that it was impossible to study at home.hmphs. I'll have to camp over there tmr too unless I can find somewhere else. But it's good to be at her place though instead of studying, we ended up playing darts[the kind you shoot at a board.] COOL. she actually has two in her house xD Im off to mug lit NOW. I don't want another screwed up paper cus I know I've got ALOT of prep to do for maths and science |
Evelyn Hoh♥
4thMarch1992RJC 10A01B Hadley Hullett 04 evelynhoh@gmail jellybeanjars.lj adores♥ raspberry souffle. Moroccan Mint tea latte. frozen yogurt. stitch. volcom. debates. shades. late night talks. camps. pretty notebooks. mahjong. blazers. tcc. airports. faber drive. hey monday. Adidas Sleek Series. nat geo caffe small talk♥
adieu♥ Aaron Abel Afiqa AiYing Alethea AmandaLow Andrea Andrina BaiFeng Beverly CassandraChong ChaoHsien Charlene CharmaineNg CharmaineTeh Charis Cherise CherngShing CherylLeong CherylSeow Chrysan Clarence ClaraChooi Clarissa Denise Eisabess Emelia Estella EugeneChua EugeneLee EugeneThaddeusLee FangYu FeliciaKang FuZhong GongJing HaiWei HADLEYHULLETT! HanLyn HweeChang Irene Ivan James Jane Jarrel JasmineTeo Jency JianXiong JingRu JoelLim JoeyLee Jowell JudithAng Juulia KahSwee KaiWenPHOTOS Karine KevinLee KianChoong Kieran KitYeng LanYa Leonard(OBS) LiFen LiLin LiMin Lionel(OBS) LiTong Lorraine Mabel MatthewChan Michelle Moggallana Nick NHStudentCouncil Phoebe RachaelGan RachelChen RachelOon Ranie RaymondTham Rossellini Ruth QianYi SBMYouth SereneYeo Sherlyn Sherman ShiXiong SiLing Sinta Tazkiah Titus Valerie WanLing WenFu WenJing LeeXinYi YanLing YiAn YingChen YingHui YiNing YiYan YuYuan Archives
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