![]() Sunday, July 30, 2006, 7/30/2006 06:34:00 PM
ThankGodIt'sFriday(:Clara,cynthia and I went threesome for threehours XD okay.it wasn't very lasting cus cyn had her own stuff.HAHAS.anyway now I know why is mradriantan's fone so huge; cus it contains our geog results -.-" Alyssa's asking him for jellybeans(: funny! As usual I don't go home early on fridays so I met up with wanling to walk around fareast(: there's this very nice icecream XD go and try it!! OhYayIt'sSaturday(: nigel,clara and I met up early, however, I was LATE-.-" SORRY :( we went to imm.walked around.I bought choc fondue with white grape and strawbs. Clara's was grape marshmallow. we found this tiny lollipop and bought it(: COOL. Hope it doesn't crack cus it's light.Hope it doesn't melt cus you know why."lollipop juice. HAHA." NDP was fine(: the make up was OKAY on the whole.OhMan, edwin looked like those kind of kindergarden teacher whereby he was trying to get people in line.LIKE DUH.he is so much taller than us.HAHA.Anyway the rain stopped before out performance started(: the people were super high. the circle seemed more like a circle though there's no 100% perfect.Alfred came to find damien he was like "why is your skirt so short? Do you know how hot issit?" and clara went"HUH? I can't associate eveyy with hot but maybe saxaye." -.-" Back at the indoor stadium after the show,we took some class pics.I shall upload it l8r(: credits to rach and ray(: On the way to the bus, oneeleven people was darn noisy though i've to admit that we were almost as noisy. Edwin "Oei-ed." at them and started laughing -.-" the whole bunch of people got stunned for awhile but ended up getting worse-.-" so kelian, got bullied by us.HAHAHA.In the bus yunian and eugene were posing as dormity boys. gay-ness.some people got pissed cus the noise level was high."i have nothing to say, cus I dont know what to say"-nick.HAHA. CelebrateCusIt'sSunday(: As usual it's family day! We went to marina square. it has sure changed alot after the renovation.One day i've goota come here and shop with clara.HAHA. there's alot of nice shops and also chocz.[i lurrve their fondue!!]Anyway there is POOL and BOWLING.cool(: We went over to millenia walk too.Bought starburst jellybeans and turkish delight from candy empire before going to o'breins for lunch.YUM!! Thursday, July 27, 2006, 7/27/2006 07:14:00 PM
Science PBL today. we weren't selected for TOL but it's OKAY. we got to go to the MRL(: Mrs Chiang rocks cus we even packed food up to eat as we couldnt finish our solution. JOJO JOCELYN!! come back yarhs? PBL's different without you. I din't do much except listening to my mp3 and surfing the net. Some guy from onetwo koped food off and thought that by running all the way back to his class he will get away with it.please, NO. So i ran with him. I think he siasuayed himself by having to get back to the canteen in front of his class. Oh wells.there's Ausralian Maths competition. the tchr was not really nice so I handed in the paper early and left. madeline and I met wanling at bugis(: took neos(: shall wait for wanlign to send it to me(: Wednesday, July 26, 2006, 7/26/2006 09:00:00 AM
Mr Phua gave a long annoucement this morning but part of it turned out to be wrong-.-" Anyway school was as usual. I didn't get scolded for my half done artwork[moreover it was done in mechanical pencil] cos' ms yang said she see effort(: Phew.After school rach,xinyi,abbi,yining, amanda,cynthia,alethea,jenna,yvonne,kaiying, peiru,yvonne,hweleng, timotheus,jingwei, alvin and I went to NUH to visit Jocelyn. May you be well and happy. Hope you like the purple board and the balloon (: Hardworking girl, I must say. She's still revising for lit test. Relax yarhs(: Tuesday, July 25, 2006, 7/25/2006 05:42:00 PM
Monday; changed to my new seat right across the class. COOL. but timetable was quite screwed up. things went messy and we couldn't get the lab -.-" we should just stick to the old one (: anyway our videojournalism project is almost done thanks to YUANTING (: Tuesday; We played some kinda game doing CD lesson. Racial Harmony stuff to be precise (: Not very interesting but we did learn some stuff though. PBL question was much easier than the previous one. However I think im gonna fail the test cus I left part of it blank :P HAHA.anyway loads of things to do now so I shall post some other day!! Sunday, July 23, 2006, 7/23/2006 07:34:00 PM
Saturday X)Met up with irene in the morning for brekfast before going back to xps:) Lots of things have changed since we've left. the CO and guzheng have shrunk in size and lots of the teachers which we wanted to find weren't there.anyway not many people went back.Only the both of us, szuhsien,zhiwei, rach,shann,pohli, cheryl,angeline afiqa and a few others.And of course not to forget some seniors like my biaojie,jiahui,kaibin.. I was almost late for NDP. holding area wasn't the indoor stadium cus there was no audience.nevertheless it was as fun and we still enjoyed ourselves :) APPLES!! I ate four of them =p Before I forget, we've got this very interesting PSG attached to our class for the day. She brought sweets for us and she is LAME X) And she started playing with edwin.Ohman..hahs. SundayX) I feel so spendthrift. Bought two bags which Im sharing with mum.YAY!! bought this 1GB MP3. similar to chrysan's but it's much smaller in size and it's metallic pink. COOL X) i paid part of it myself cus and dad subsided the rest!! <3<3<3 OhYes,I saw bertina and xiaohui at J8 :) got some updates on sbmy stuff :) funny stuff I must say :) it's been some time since we've went out shopping together cus it would be us going to shop individually :) Friday, July 21, 2006, 7/21/2006 09:04:00 PM
I was almost late for school as I have not packed my stuff and too, woke up late.To the obvious, by the time I reached the amphitheatre, the attire check had ended.anyway there was no lessons cus we had to attend the young environmentalist forum.it was alright until we got split up into groups.some fugly guy was there doing shyt.shan't elaborate though.Since the buffet had started, Sab and I conviently walked off X) guzheng performance was quite screwed up.I kept look left and right cus dont know which to follow.OKAY, plus it's my fault for not practising well enough.LOLS.anyway I was packing the stuff in the make up box when alfred said I put the wrong thing on lingzhuo. Issit?? But anyway that thing was unlabelled =p went to bugis with adel cus she had to meet her friend.walked quite abit before I decided that I wanted to go to art friend to get some materials.Howver, they did not sell it -.-" have to go to spotlight to buy.let's leave that for another day.HAHA. Thursday, July 20, 2006, 7/20/2006 09:32:00 AM
Ohman it's PBL now driving me crazy X) darn gaoxiao.HAHA.songzhi came up with some kinda stuff to bombard the mrschiang such that she penged.LOLS.anyway we've already voted for the president already:) , 7/20/2006 09:23:00 AM
Spending the last few minutes of the day to post this entry :)Quite a lame day i've gotta say, cus I hardly did much. Geog test was okay and the lit quiz wwas postponed AGAIN. OOPS!! I got kaiying into trouble by drawing a england flag on her hand -.-" Ms Lim got her to lift her hand for the rest of the lesson.LOLS.Art was totally crap. We couldn't leave till we had something on our paper. But all that was on my paper was what ms yang drew for me.HAHA.she was teaching me but completed a part of the composition :D Didn't do anything much except erasing the grid lines and tried to observe the button in different views. NDP :D Clara and I did some lame stuff which I shan't mention :) Siasuay. Mr edumund ng blew his top AGAIN. Apart from that we didn't practise much except for the 3rd song which we got really messed up. Watch the video but didn't see much of us and colleccted the shoe in de end. Don't think it was much of use though cus it was similar to our school shoes.Moreover quite a number of people got sizes too big. thanks edwin for changing for us :) that's all for now. I wanna sleep.JUSTcovered a lil of PBL and hist when there's test tmr. ciaos people. Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 7/18/2006 10:39:00 PM
Council Election today:) eleven protem members gave their speeches before we went back to class for the voting. I was at twotwo. Just realised some people can be quite disiao. I shan't say how but somehow we still managed to get things done:) PBL was crazy. no one solved the entire question. Clara and I made use of our 1hour break to eat and ask seniors for help but just to realise that our syllabus is quite different.thanks anyway:) Whole class got together to solve but to no avail. Some groups gave up but our dear yvonne was still super determined to do so I helped by counting hundreds of squares out of that grid-.-" Managed to solve part of the problem but there's still a blank. Oral test after school,I screwed it up totally. Mainly it was on the biao3 da2 part cus I can't translate/phrase my english thinking into chinese speech as I thot "on my feet" hence used quite abit of pause fillers.OOPS. Off to harbourfront cus I just felt like going there.weirdo. there's two or three nice accessories shop esp montip:) got this buttion and also a pin:) didn't bring key so I met mum at northpoint. a silver belt and a pink tube:) YAY-NESS!! tmr there's NDP practise!! Monday, July 17, 2006, 7/17/2006 05:51:00 PM
hmphs..School ended at twelve today. Went to try out the new jap food at central with threethirteen people as ranie taught me maths.the food was okay.anyway off I went to meet wanling.Hardly walked around plaza sing but found a place for them to eat first cus they hadn't eaten.They couldn't catch the 3.30pm show cus there were only first row seats.Shixiong went off to somewhere, can't remember. Initially I wanted to get to National Library to study abit but didn't in the end. Sorry for running out of patience, Sorry for pulling that long face. Sorry for spoiling your moods, I shouldn't even have went. -emotionally unstable- *Aww..I saw this nice top :D* Sunday, July 16, 2006, 7/16/2006 06:28:00 PM
YESTERDAY; it's another ROCKING day!! I went to Clara's house a lil before noon to give our shoe finishing touches. Already can't think of what to but in except the suede lining. Ended up pasting whatever we have ON to the shoe.ROJAK style-.-" Yarhs..Had lunch together before her mum sent us to sch:) Hmphs..we got prettaye bored at indoor stadium so clara decided to teach me the remaining part of the dance KETHUP.I admit I look super different from her when it comes to dancing.The difference between a dancer and non-dancerX) One more move to go.HAHA.YiYan says clara dances like a HOT BABE:) Yunian came.[I didn't say he's a HOT one=p BUT he's darn funny!]Anyway they put up quite a few dances for twotwelve:) thanks! Loads more self entertaining stuff(eg.sam's RA stories) before it was time for makeup.HAHA.But the stupid thing was that dinner was right after make up! OMG.I ate up all my lipstick and most of the blusher went off-.-" Quite a number of people's makeup went off too~ Hahas. No choice, tight schedule we have. OhYes, most touching event of the year for class twotwelve:*drumroll..* TA-DA!! Edwin brought quite alot of water for twotwelve and carried them a long way. You may think it's no big deal but when you go for NDP you'll know how it feels like:) Anyway it was taken from indoor stadium and sent to us in the field :D lurrveloads<3 I think some people from other classes got prettaye jealous at first cus they kept looking at us=x Actually wanted to take class photo back at the stadium.got kaiwen here but they stoned off suddenly so YEAH.Clara and me took some photos:) Edwin thought we were les after looking at a number of pics in my fone.LOLS.hey, we are straight:) Photos can be decisiving. I thot he was prettaye gay after looking at the photos in his camera.HAHA.anyway got disiao-ed by a senior-.-" LOLS..we are innocent! =) TODAY; I went to SBMY. thanks guys for putting in the effort to make me feel so welcome, so not transparent:) Mentor Anghwee gave a longer talk as he said he'll be away for sometime. Interesting talk I must say.He shared some suttas with us before allowing us to go into discussion with in our groups and finaaly getting us to present.Quite interactive and I did learn abit though there's muh more which I've yet to understand:) Reflections; I still remember sometime ago shixiong asked me this question: "So how strong is your faith towards Buddhism?" Can't remember what was the answer I gave but I think it should be quite a positive one =/ Today as I went back to SBMY I thought of this question again. It was my foolishness. When I answered this question then, I didn't fully understand and was filled with doubts. After this month of "new life", Yes, I do have an answer to it. I don't have strong faith in the buddha but He will always be the teacher I respect, His teachings would be the things I can learn without doubts and His sangha would be those I would always look up too. I saw for myself how my faith wavered during these days, but it was these days which made me see things through. I won't be leaving, at least not for quite a long time. At least now I know why Im in SBMY, not just blindly following each session of stuff. I hope u'll understand:) Friday, July 14, 2006, 7/14/2006 07:20:00 PM
Come to think of it, it's gonna be NDP soon and then after our normal life will resume. It'll be darn weird.Anyway there's rehearsal tmr but i'll be going to clara's place to get the shoe design done up first=] this is the half done design=] i think we'll settle for the theme; the best parts of our school.It's kind of in line with one of the school values? LOLS. Oh anyway thanks girls for helping out=]![]() Thursday, July 13, 2006, 7/13/2006 09:31:00 PM
it's been a long day. nine plus and i've just finished my dinner. it's not because i ate for a long time but cus i reached home at 8.30pm despite having mrslim sending us to the mrt. thanks:) There was Summer Camp Performance Rehearsal and some NgeeAnn dancers came. GZ peeps were in full costume -.-" it's still the pink one.we should change it=] siian was right. we've been playing the same songs for ages.we should change=] Coach Luke went through the programme with us and the obvious was we had loads of fun during choir's performance! Hope that didn't piss them off =p OhYes, the shoe is almost done!! not too bad i guess:) but there's still areas for improvement. Anyway,that mean's I can go to SBMY on SUNDAY=] miracle? Probbably.the truth; I've not been feeling attached to SBMY for quite some time but think I should go now.Dont' ask me why=/ Suddenly I got thinking.PBL may or may not be good.that's cause we ain't taught anything. If we dont find out then that's it.I just realised that I still don't know loads about maths and science topics that we're learning.*Just found our some other class are learning different topics as compared to us =/ I mean totally different* twotwelve has a NEW forum:) YEAH right. we 're always the guinea pigs of the lot =x Wednesday, July 12, 2006, 7/12/2006 05:32:00 PM
the photos were taken by kaiwen(last saturday). Not as neat the the 211 photo but it's more natural=] MsYang didn't come for art so we couldn't go to the studio hence, it's our classroom again. hmm..it's didn't turn out like what we wanted but somehow we'll carry on=] I SAW THIS VERY NICE TOP!! hahas. Monday, July 10, 2006, 7/10/2006 10:33:00 PM
THANKS ALOT KAIWEN!! these photos were taken by him =] *it's the hart-shaped balloon some guys gave.HAHA*
(Or issit titantic?)
, 7/10/2006 10:18:00 PM
, 7/10/2006 09:15:00 PM
Saturday was certainly a fun day x) many more people are looking forward to NDP now!! OhYaY~ Admit that it's fun with cool people around X) it was family show but the performance, in my opinion, has improved but there's still some way to go.Anyway it's the first time we are trying out the NEW finale.There was kfc dinner and our holding area was changed to the indoor stadium(aircon!!). the FUN part: we took LOTS of photos! chrysan,cynthia,clara&me=] If im not wrong,we are one of the few class who got class pics, Monday; straightened out ALOT of thoughts. somethings might not be the same again just like twotwelve X) SAY WE ROCK YOUR WORLD! Did SOME class work and OFF to guzheng. JIAYOUS!! summer camp performance is coming!! Sunday, July 09, 2006, 7/09/2006 04:06:00 PM
NDP stuff shall be posted l8r cus the photos are not out yet :) it was a fun time! Sorry kaiwen! I think we flooded your camera with our pics!! hahas. even if you count everything as my fault I shall gladly accept it but it shan't change y happiness. you are wrong if you think im proactive. Just a passive girl but not pessimistic. I wanna lead my happy life. Friday, July 07, 2006, 7/07/2006 08:39:00 PM
THRUSDAY; it's PBL again. but I must say it's also my fault that I hardly learnt much. I was practically slacking all the way cus they changed the group and I got super bored as I couldn't connect to the school's rounter X( Hence I gave up doing the worksheet and started to listen to songs instead. I wasted 3hours in the Physics Lab. However I was down for serious discussion once I got back to group five in class. we were discussing how to make the room more romantic by improvising on the light.OMG! songzhi started laughing uncontrollably at the ideas. Amazing? Yes, for a guy who never sees the need to even smile.Okay lar..realised that working as a group does bring twelvers closer to each other =] After chem test mad,rach,xinyi&I went to macs for lunch.we were in the midst of crapping when this FMSS guy came up to us and asked stupid questions like "Do you know joseph from nh de class 1h?" It's crap cus there isn't any 1h in NHHS. And he came again to ask if we wanted his phone number.LOLS.this proves one thing: lame people exist =] FRIDAY; 10.30am and school ends.FIRST TIME. it's even better than half day cus you'll only get to go at 11.30am. Moreover there weren't ANY lessons cus time was dedicated especially for NDP practise. Okay I guess it's partially because they didn't want us to mess up our classes meant for the MOE excel fest.LOLS. I went to clara's house to shower and get changed before going to taka =] Ohman, she's got alot of everything squashed up in her room.LOLS. there's great fact I realised at orchard; both of us can SHOP. we did more shopping as compared to the time we spent buying the stuff.HAHA.took some neos and before going home but i just can't scan it into my comX( Wednesday, July 05, 2006, 7/05/2006 09:48:00 PM
Just received this msg from akltg that there's a debate workshop this sat. OMG! I wanna go!! but there's NDP. supposedly the morning one that ms kali said was the same as the afternoon one? hehehe..if it's the same i shall go.HAHA.*PRAYS HARD* anyway eugene sent us this song which he sang. it's darn funny. Get it from me if you want X) Tuesday, July 04, 2006, 7/04/2006 09:29:00 PM
it's the real Maths PBL lesson today. Pretty cool huh? Spent 4 1/2hours to solve ONE problem sum.It's similar to those you get in psle. Maybe it's even easier, but the solving part was crap. There were 12 answers and you have to do the presentation though the chapter hasn't been taught.However the timetable is super flexible such that you have your own time =]Suddenly came up with an idea to go to East Coast with maddie on friday which means we'll have to miss MOE excel fest.I bet ms chng is in a fury now.I won't mind if she makes me present on other days but on friday PUH-LEASE =] thanks. there's more than halfday off; 10am and school ends =] YAY-ness!! went through some blogs..mad's right. somehow, some stuff have changed. I dont even know what's my intention of going to sbmy anymore. I always say we go there to learn the dharma but is that true? Hope it is for me :) this NDP might turn out to be a good thing afterall =] It's a good chance to get closer to the class and a good chance for me to straighten out my thoughts=] Monday, July 03, 2006, 7/03/2006 10:51:00 AM
my saturday and sunday were burnt up at the stadium. Saturday; it's SYF. thick makeup was put on and our hair was gel-ed back. first time we did our performance in front of a crowd but somehow I didn't feel one bit of excitement.Whether the crowd was there or not, it didn't make a difference to me. kahswee brought his family here to support us, thanks =] bev,kianyong,ben and some others came too =] didn't think the performance was really great cus there were quite a bit of errors but nevertheless, good job :) anyway there was kfc dinner:) Sunday; I went down to SBM in the morning. Happy Birthday Sister Sue! joined the adults for some celebrations and food :) i must really thank zhenfeng and shixiong for the lil buddha statue :) thanks alot <3<3<3 very sian,hence i decided not to pon NDP. already got used to NDP so it's like rocking?! ms lim wasn't there. in the bus I felt even more moodless so I fell asleep listening to clara's mp3. At the stadium, thanks to clara and edwin and some other peeps, I cheered up alot :) edwin is our AI, if you dont know:) he got us icecream :) but all others were waiting for us in the sun while we finished, so we decided to be nice and go into the field with our icecreams :) it's was VERY funny cus all the other people were look at us jealously.*shrugs* hehe. okay, saw from sab's blog that he got scolded? kelian.. dinners was freaking early,5pm. moreover it wasn't that nice. couldn't finish despite having abbi's help in eating. we had icecream AGAIN cus we SAW edwin eating =D he was like "shh.." but he still gave it to us :) joined clara's juniors for awhile before going to watch the choir and rulang pri.ALOT of motivators were there. Suddenly some guy out of no where put this heart shaped balloon arnd my neck.LOLS.clara wanted it SO we shared :) took pics and got MORE balloons.In de end I also had one small white flower and one pink heart :) BUT performance was gonna start so... I put everything on edwin =p others followed suit such that he became a balloon man =p LALALA~ it was cute! Some guys pocketed those bullet blanks. Obviously they got scolded cus it's an offence. Performance, in my opinion, was better than SYF and the fireworks were quite nice. maybe it's becus of the atmosphere.everything was dark and the music was loud. we were high thanks for brightening up my day :) TODAY; went swimming with maddie at SAFRA(yishun) the place is quite nice,water is clean:) took neos but haven't uploaded it :P //With the music blasting in my ears, I see my perspective even more clearly than before.I shall tell you the truth,"I don't believe in you anymore"// |
Evelyn Hoh♥
4thMarch1992RJC 10A01B Hadley Hullett 04 evelynhoh@gmail jellybeanjars.lj adores♥ raspberry souffle. Moroccan Mint tea latte. frozen yogurt. stitch. volcom. debates. shades. late night talks. camps. pretty notebooks. mahjong. blazers. tcc. airports. faber drive. hey monday. Adidas Sleek Series. nat geo caffe small talk♥
adieu♥ Aaron Abel Afiqa AiYing Alethea AmandaLow Andrea Andrina BaiFeng Beverly CassandraChong ChaoHsien Charlene CharmaineNg CharmaineTeh Charis Cherise CherngShing CherylLeong CherylSeow Chrysan Clarence ClaraChooi Clarissa Denise Eisabess Emelia Estella EugeneChua EugeneLee EugeneThaddeusLee FangYu FeliciaKang FuZhong GongJing HaiWei HADLEYHULLETT! HanLyn HweeChang Irene Ivan James Jane Jarrel JasmineTeo Jency JianXiong JingRu JoelLim JoeyLee Jowell JudithAng Juulia KahSwee KaiWenPHOTOS Karine KevinLee KianChoong Kieran KitYeng LanYa Leonard(OBS) LiFen LiLin LiMin Lionel(OBS) LiTong Lorraine Mabel MatthewChan Michelle Moggallana Nick NHStudentCouncil Phoebe RachaelGan RachelChen RachelOon Ranie RaymondTham Rossellini Ruth QianYi SBMYouth SereneYeo Sherlyn Sherman ShiXiong SiLing Sinta Tazkiah Titus Valerie WanLing WenFu WenJing LeeXinYi YanLing YiAn YingChen YingHui YiNing YiYan YuYuan Archives
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Design: doughnutcrazyImages: yunyunsarang Textures: I II |