![]() Friday, March 31, 2006, 3/31/2006 07:59:00 PM
Had D&T with chengcheng and mr tanxiaoyu for the first time.chengcheng was darn lame and gaoxiao however mrtan was the total opposite.chengcheng who always nagnagnag at me and yijun when we dont do as well as he expects, however he was VERY FUNNY and nice to us in class! Mr tan X.Y lehs? Almost wanna sleep.jialat.AND i have finished D&T hw lerx.cus it didn't need much thinking :)NDP Practise after school.We are starting to think that we might not need to dance already.WHY? cus we were given the task to carry flags.it was supposed to be a privillage if we do well and have quick response.However,upon ending today's prac, we realised that we would most probbably NOT be dancing at all -.-" what's the point? shldn't it be those who dance well go and dance? suibian bahs.since the allocate lerhs then forget it.No time to re-rehearse so might as well be contented and do what we are asked too xD Anway it is very slack.run awhile break awhile,run awhile,break awhile.It ended up same as the last prac which we rest more than me do.Somemore we were let off an hour early.LOLS. Tried on chrysan's blades already.Surprisingly,i could move by using whatever ranie taught me for iceskating.at least i didn't fall but im still quite stiff.HAHAHA *recalls crapping in da hall with yijun abt iceskating* Hope that i will be able to blade quite well by the celebrations:) to everyone out there; -there would be vesak day celebrations at orchard on the 6th and 7th of MAY presented to you guys, by SBMY.You do not have to be a buddhist to be there. Do come and see what we have installed for you if u are able to make it kkx? it is gonna be a fun time there.And do pass the word arnd.thanks. -there would be Camp Ehi-Passiko held at Camp Christine from the 29May-1June, also organised by SBMY.Ehi-Passiko means come and see.Hope you would be open-minded enough to come and see what we have for you.It is also super fun and beneficial too.Don't worry as the camp is not all about sitting there chanting and meditating.We have action-packed games and all we need is YOU to be there. to the sec2 class councillors; -EXCO says for next week assembly please do not leave loads of big gaps in between classes.Just reasonable sized spaces will do as the classes in front do not have enough space to sit and hence it defeats the one of the purposes of having upper sec and lower sec assembly :) Thursday, March 30, 2006, 3/30/2006 06:20:00 PM
BREAD DAY. i know this sounds weird. How this came about; wanling and I went met up at plaza sing after sch today. After walking arnd we came to breadtalk and she wanted to buy bread. Since there was a discount,we chose and chose and bought 7 in total. HAHAHAHA.lame.i took 3 bread and she took 4. SO, on the last thursday of each month, it is gonna be BREAD DAY! His Majesty came today! it was quite fun though we had to do up the class room is a very short time. The class looks alot better now. Walls painted,Noticeboards up,floor swept,things arranged! The ministers,admirals,ambassordors,principals,press and media squashed themselves into our lil class room, doubling the population.LOLS.the main objective was to let them see how we use TPC for lessons.Had geog with mr adriantan and did some work.Although most of us are not used to having so many people staring at us while we are doing our homework, but everyone put up a great "show" for the distinguish guest. THREE CHEERS FOR TWOTWELVE! I was in some sort of depressing mood after lunch. Though of some stuff which happened recently. Sometimes it is better to shut up. thx des, for giving me a solution to the prob. thx yintong for being so concerned. thx yijun for cheering me up. *** KahSwee just msg-ed to say he saw twotwelvers close up on CNA.thanks.i really appreciate it. Since I've finished my lit proj i decided to take some time to go arnd people's blog. It is till now did i realise that it is true.After the march holidays everything has changed.Even my attitude towards things have changed too.Used to go round to people's blog to tag and read but it isn't the same anymore.I totally forgot things i had used to do everyday till people prompted me too. Really sorry guys.Said some wrong stuff yesterday and today cus of a lil wrong decision.Just to say sorry if anyone is unhappy but hope u all understand.I have my rationale behind the decision. Mogallana; i always claim to love mogallana here love mogallana there, but actualy what have i actually done for mogallana? So many people are having problems and yet Im totally oblivious to all of it; How many people are working so hard for this family yet what am I doing? -thx chrysan for lending me rollarbades all the way till vesak at orchard celebrations are over so that i can prac.BUT i ended up strolling down the shops of plaza sing instead of practising.Even she isn't fm SBMY also help to make the celebrations a better one but me? -wanling girl has been using alot of her time doing the mogallana blog, mogallana tee, and prequel tee.what did i do? all i can do is to sit there and tell her i love mogallana.somemore she has been collecting funds for me and what did i do? slack. collect already also all pass to her.And happily sit at home and do excel on the TPC.she really do care alot for the welfare of all members and make sure that they are happy loh. -zhenfeng has spent almost all his money on the birthday celebrations and i have yet to get the $$$ back for him, hai ta guo zhe hen kelian de sheng huo. -Liangjian has time and again reminded us to spend money mindfully cus we are not really well off but yet was it really spent mindfully? -forester even went to get xiong's prezzie and where was I? -Raymondtham has even made time to come down for the YBC outing but did i really take this chance to bond with them? -victan despite being veryveryvery busy has even offered to lend me a listening ear whenever I called.But was I listening ear to him when he is facing alot of problems? i dont even know what has happened can? -i didn't even realise that some members have financial problems till it was brought up at the chalet.feeling darn failure in being a treasurer. -the others like pett and raymondgoh and shixiang who have been so supportive to come down and be active in sbmy whenever they can. -both hangqi and vicky have be darn nice vice capts can? for those of other houses who do not see their contributions and think they are slacking,it is cus they have been working behind the scene to ensure things are going smoothly rather than rushing for credits like some others. Where can u find more caring and hardworking people? -somemore i haven't even compeleted amanda's task which was given a longlong time ago can? -till now did i realise my mistake.a tear fall onto the keyboard- Wednesday, March 29, 2006, 3/29/2006 09:02:00 PM
Finally, im home.AND guess what? i forgot to buy yijun's prezzie again.LOLS.i will get it done asap :P chem test today.Hardly studied and so yijun was saying i was toot -.-" Practised welcoming his majesty along the walkway.HAHAHA.This wasted half of out chem time.test wasn't exactly hard but i dont think i would do well.Didn't study whats. Surprisingly sotongball was rather happy with the class tee design and eager for us to get it done! so HOPE jingwei can get the proposal done ASAP and approved :) Sports day is on the 21 April.JIAYOU twotwelve!! Had trial run for tmr's lesson and OFF we went to esplanade.it was a concert by singapore dance theatres in honour of the king of cambodia, His Majesty King Norodom Sihamoni, who would be coming to our school tmr.What's more it is our class.Im not kidding.SO we were made to do up all the stuff by today.LOLS.Our notice boards were empty.HAHA.class com jiayous. **i have learnt that mindfulness plays a very important part of our lives. Unintentional comments may just turn into misunderstandings. Anyway what's done is done, so if anyone has doubt then come and find me bahs..i shan't explain here.. Tuesday, March 28, 2006, 3/28/2006 09:23:00 PM
HEYYA PEOPLE~ Still as busy as usual.At last im finally done with all that history stuff.Almost finish copying a new copy of maths notebook already :) Lit proj WAS done but i realised i did it wrongly.Only need one poem and we must compare and contrast with then grp proj one.LOLS.So i gave mine to clara -.-" seems like i would have to pia it all again.there was debate after school.Mock debates again.However we had one week to prep instead of the usual inpromtu.the motion was THBT education is more important for life than money.Yintong,Olivia,me and liwen were the PROP. and we won xD woots. considering that our OPP was made up of jeremiah,xunwei and charis, in which two out of three are quite pro-debators, we were rather happy :) but then again of course it was partly due to the fact that we were sticking to our own definition which liwen got from wikipedia.HAHA.YEAH so next time continue to jiayous :) Next motion: "Are beauty contests harmful?" a darn lame one. Ohyes, i forgot to say, xunwei was the best speaker! *claps* AND i realised he has a weird way of putting eye drops..LOLS dont' have time to study chem test so im just not going to.Anyway it is first period tmr morning.Heard that it is gonna be a killer paper.loads of people are gonna have chem tmr so let's just wait and see :) tmr is gonna be busy again! after sch there is mr adriantan's geog lesson run through, then pia to guzheng and off to esplanade.when everything ends at six, i think im gonna be so darn shack. but anyway, pls remind me to buy yijun's prezzie. See la? nv tell me it is your birthday beforehand.LOLS. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YIJUN, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Monday, March 27, 2006, 3/27/2006 08:59:00 PM
today wasn't exactly fine.Had a whole load of crap screamed into my face.Although i was partial wrong, i don't think i deserve that.One more thing, councillors are humans too. We are not robots so please do not expect us to be perfect although we would do our best to live up to expectations.Everyone has flaws.It takes time to be covered up.It is gonna be another busy week. Monday~ Guzheng Tuesday~ EcoGarden&Debate Wednesday~ GeogPrepLesson&Guzheng&EsplanadeConcert Thursday~ Entertain His Royal highness.LOLS. Friday~ NDP Dance Prac. Sat~ Renci Volunteer Work. Sun~ Sleep. *Shrugs.* Saturday, March 25, 2006, 3/25/2006 11:19:00 PM
Today im finally feeling better, much better.Not so much stress already.Let it all out yesterday night.HAHA.Went to school early in the morning with mad cus had the National Environmental Quiz thing on in school.Presenters of the ecogarden once again.Once again yeps, expected what ms chng would tell me b4 i went so i was quite alright.KahSwee and YaYi came to visit too :) HAHA. OhYes, I finally know who is MR. BENMAJIN. Okay, it is benjamin.HAHA.cus ms chng kept calling him wrongly.LOLS.Went central KFC for lunch cus there wasn't much food in school.YUM! took mrt to Pasir Ris.Slept on meiyi's shoulder to stop myself fm nodding away X) it is Outing with YouthBuddhistChapter.FUN.had the slipper game but this time it is on grass, not sand.it was a great game though we lost.Had to do a dance.Actually wanted to do the lame lame one si aun taught us in OC but msot of them were rather reluctant so we did peel banana.LOLS.orientation camp days rawk :P Went to shixiong's chalet @ downtowneast.washed up and got into my sch u cus i din bring additional clothes.thx shixiong who lent me a shirt which in turn made me realise who tiny im.it was almost a dress.but i don't really mind :) and thx cherie who changed with me.SO i got zeming' shirt instead.But eugene brought wanlingx's shirt, and forester needed a shirt too.can't possibly make him wear wanlingx's shirt bahs? So, i changed again.LOLS. Koped zeming's slipper and went to meet forester to go to arcade cus i duno how to go -.-" Oh My tian.i almost lost my way in the compound la.All the chalet's look alike.Somehow i managed to get out.Saw the kassapa girls at the bubble tea shop on the way there and joined them instead.HAHA. Back at the chalet, shixiong has catered food for us.THANKS.AND YES, for those who do not know, it is xiong's 21th bday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SHIXIONG, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! and we sang the birthday song so loud that many people turned to look at us.LOLS. Had a lil chat with the mogallana people.Just a few lil family issues to settle.ta-da DONE.but we didn't manage to get the mogallana pic though.Haiz..AND Raymond tham came today! YAY~ haha.LOLS Friday, March 24, 2006, 3/24/2006 07:21:00 PM
Super shuang cus im just out fm a shower.there was ndp dance practise today.Saw fm the dnce notice board that only two sec two classes would be chosen to do th flag thingy.the week b4, mr low selected four classes, 209-212.I think it shld be that we are more enthu bahs? But then we wouldn't be doing quite a big part of the dance.In de end, 209 was out.MsYeo bushuang.Most pplx can tell why.We almost got out too, cus some people didn't really wanna dance.However, with the enthu people arnd, i think we shld be find la.Build on teamwork.Yunian,Yining,me and a few others were raher serious so it ain't too bad.Had break half hour break but went to third floor with clara to watch them dance aft getting ourselves ice-cream :) Mr williewonka was so shuai can? HAHA.he is that chio instructor.i duno his name.the gay tchr seems nicer liao.He is much much more gaoxiao and nice to us lerx.don't really think he is so gay liao.HAHA. Anyway, u might just be thinking why am i home now? cus i pon-ed the debate at evergreen sec.the sec2s mass pon.MsOng is gonna scold but ohwells..that's another thing already.We are not the speakers so not too bad la hor? HEHE. tmr going to be one of the presenters for the NEQ thingy.I lsot my script and all that stuff o.0 tmr gotta inpromtu liao.HAHA.whatever. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO TIMOTHEUS, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Thursday, March 23, 2006, 3/23/2006 08:28:00 PM
Some stuff about my recent life..I don't think i seem myself.Im weird.Workload is pressing me down each day.Today there wasn't anything for me to stay back for as i had rejected to go to the speech competition.There was this gust of emptiness flowing through me.What should I do then? I didn't feel like going home.Saw lilevelyn and we went to the library with Yi An aft lunch.Suddenly i rmbed what we used to do in the past.yining.jie, sabrina.mei,cynthia.mei, kityeng.jie,yihui.kor, and some others would go to library to study and crap.However things now are no more the same.Maybe I have once neglect many people but I hope u all will understand.I have more commitments now and even higher expectations to live up to.But something that will never change should be the attitude to live on.No matter how many people lose faith in you, as long as u believe in yourself, you would still have a chance to succeed. Class was as usual just that sotongball scolded us the first thing in the morning cus of yesterdays minor incident.Actually I din't see it as much of a problem but since some other person decided to make a great fuss out of it, we naturally got a scolding.Detention of half a recess after PE.OHWELL.Anyway loads of thanks to kaiying who helped me to edit my IPP si han which was due today :) Got in on time x) YAY~ tmr is FRIDAY which means we have NDP DANCE PRACTICE.Hope we can do our best :) Saw the sec1's on wed.it was quite interesting xD AND there is supposed to be a debate at evergreen sec.If im not wrong it is raymondtham's sch right? BUT I FORGOT TO TELL KATHY! OH MY TIAN.Can anyone help? PUH-LEASE.I hope it is not too late.HAHA. Anyway, i have decided not to go to the chalet thingy on friday AND do not wish to repeat all the reasons all over again.SO if u are really really keen to know then ask the people arnd me bahs.I think only like two people know.To save them fm their effort, I shall not disclose their names :) Sat i will be gong down late cus I have decided to help miss chng to the eco garden tour thingy for the NEQ event on sat.But I will still be going down.AS early AS possible :p Wednesday, March 22, 2006, 3/22/2006 08:18:00 PM
Frankly speaking this few days is very busy cus tchrs are all pressing for stuff.Just a few reminders to twotwelvers: -tmr is thursday.pls bring tie or u know what usually happens.. -ALL HCL hmwk is due tmr.Marks will go deducted fm term score accordingly and conduct downgraded and stand outside class if u guys don't.YA, so there is ALOT to do tonight. -Actually all other homework are due too la.BUT HCL more urgent xP YAY~ there is lunch duty tmr :) OKAY.ass,cy,jane,yijie don't think too much :) Just lurve doing duty cus it is fun :) AND yes, people, don't worry.Im NOT suffering from depression. I know i have been weird,it is just that im too busy.NORMAL. xP I was keesiao after school xP HIGH.. Okay, I really don't know what to blog so nvm.I shall stop and spare u th agony of reading it :) Tuesday, March 21, 2006, 3/21/2006 08:44:00 PM
Ohwell, I hope I stilll can blog.Life is getting very busy for me.Activities take up most of my time leaving very little for study.Hope that I can still keep up to standards like I used to do in the past.Mon-Guzheng Tue-EL debate Wed-Guzheng Thu-Studies Fri-NDP Prac(till 5pm),debate(till 7.30),xiong's stayover. Sat-i duno what is the plan for sat but it is SBMY.eco-garden stuff too. SUN- REST b4 i fall sick. And the week will be over.. AND my stuff are not done yet.. and i think i still owe alot of people b'day prezzie loh.. Whatever..I will get things done ASAP la.. Sunday, March 19, 2006, 3/19/2006 01:18:00 PM
OHYES, i realised something..Up till now many of my friends don't even know how to spell my name. it is HOH MAY YEE EVELYN. It would be enough if u spell it as EVELYN. For those who prefer to call me eveyy, im fine with it. HOWEVER, when did i get a name eveline ho meiyi?? eveline, is my jie, not me.LOLS. Friday, March 17, 2006, 3/17/2006 10:34:00 PM
YAY~ Im back from the retreat AND IT ROCKed :D Wednesday; there was guzheng b4 the retreat. Ohwell, I almost blacked out. Not enough oxygen.LOLS. But i recovered pretty soon :) thx people who were concerned :) RETREAT;updated version x) Ms Chng sent me,adel,mad to JE cus we needa get stuff.thanks :) And we went to meet marble then after to go for lunch. YAY~ cus we were going to the SBMY retreat! waited for a rather long time.bus was late. Anyway it was held at FairyPoint Chalet 2. AND HELLO? it is a chalet; not jetty. Some blur people spelt it as ferrypoint.diao. THANKS ORGANISERS.i really learnt alot. Although we took the eight precepts and are supposed to remain silent, this is definately a very wonderful experience for me. You might just be thinking.. No HP, No tablet PC, No talking,No dancing,No singing,No playing.. How to be fun and enjoyable? Yes,at first i wasn't really used to it.Talked quite abit till I heard from clor.It made alot of sense:) "Actually how often do you get such a chance to be doing something so holy? you want also no chance.too many distractions.Since ya have the chance now shld treasure :)" True. Some were still unwilling to leave their HPs in the care of ryan.LOLS.Please, it is only for this 2days. Rather glad that I actually made up my mind to go for this retreat.Remember last prequel camp I totally knew NOTHING at all about buddhism and now I actually think it is nice.really appreciate it.My knowledge isn't chim but i think at least as of the things i have learn, it is really interesting. Venerable Bodhi came to give us two talks.One on wednesday night and another on thursday morning.Other than having very interactive and interesting content, she also has a very sweet voice with a nice tone,Pleasant to hear.AND YES,there was this transfer of merits done after each talk.She did it in Pali instead of the usual english.It was so nice,HOWEVER, I didn't know how to do it; but im determined to learn it someday <3<3 DAY TWO; We had to wake up at 5am in the mornings.AND YES, we forgot to adjust the temperature and as a result i was freezing by four plus.LOLS.MORNING JOG, STRETCHS, MEDITATION.marble fell in the morning jog.GIRL, gotta watch ya step and takkaire yupps? So we walked back to the chalet together with victeo, the security, following us.LOLS.And clor, u also takkaire yupps? HAHA.next time dun wear slipper to run liao or blister again.Stretches.. hmm..Rather afraid that i would do it wrongly and affect my backbone again so i was more to the careful side.jiayi,thx for the compliment but always rmb nv to stretch too far beyond your limits as it can result in injury like me :( Meditation was by the beach.COOL RIGHT? but i din manageto stay through an hour.Lost concentration aft 40mins.jialat.gotta practise lerx.. breakfast.the instant noodles tasted and looked like udon.expanded with time.LOLS.it tasted okay though:) ya-da ya-da LUNCH.cus of the sixth precept, there is no dinner.managed to finish my lunch with the help of eugene.thx guy :) Learnt Walking meditation and practised Anapanasati Meditation.Getting used to them already but sometimes i still feel sleepy.haiz..HOW? Ohwell, Im happy that i can sit longer than before, although there is only up till the 30mins guarantee.LOLS. Had some free time by the beach.Two nice girls jiayi and shihui were spending the time mindfully by doing some meditation :D As for me? I was going arnd asking some seniors how to improve on my meditation :) Good time and opportunity to find out more. Another talk.By a SBM senior also tchr of mjr buddhist studies.Rather interesting too:) ya-da-ya-da AND One last talk by ang hwee's mentor.LOLS.kit kat guy.HAHA.cus he would be giving kit kats to people who got the answers he wanted.darn gaoxiao and he kept going out of point.In de end we counted that he would have to be back some other day to tell us the rest of his interesting knowledge :D LOLS. Night Walk! YAY.Supposed to be some more meditation but clever guy mentor anghwee realised that we couldn't absorb much more dharma so might as well bring us out for another walk :D All the way out to the board walk and across to de end.Didn't have meditation in the walk though.Instead, for a change,we were given free time to appreciate nature.And questions were asked of course :) Actually we can be happy without materialistic stuff.We do not have to pay to be happy.Soo we each had to give an example of something which makes us happy. Some quotations: -"Seeing my friends and family happy, Im happy." -"to appreciate and be appreciated,Im happy." -"to enjoy nature,Im happy."[sounds like jenna.HAHA] -"So listen to the waves and enjoy the sea brezze, Im happy" -"to learn the dharma,Im happy" Can't remember every single one, but the main point is that when u are sad, think of things that make u smile and do them.You would feel alot better :D something that makes me smile: "Everyone arnd me be truthful and sincere in things they do and say" I think it is very impt cus no point guessing whether the person next to u can be trusted or not, OR if they have some motive for helping u and stuff like that.If everyone is truthful and sincere then the world is gonna be a much better place :) And yes it is inline witht he fourth precept of abstaining from false speech (thoughts and actions to0..) Ohyes, and something with made all of us go "ORH.." was "A sincere and nice and dry hug from somone.. .. ..of the opposite gender" LOLS.and it was said by our beloved vice capt, victor teo.LOLS.cus ryan a.k.a melonade immediately clung onto him -.-" Back at the chalet, most had a lil snack and off to chanting. Chanted Om Mani padme hum.Just realised that I didn't know so much as compared to many others.Like i said,coming into prequel camp 2005 and SBMY had marked the starting of my learning journey in buddhism.Before that, despite having two buddhist parents, i knew nothing.Promise to jiayou and catch up asap in order not to fall behind.For those who just realised that i knew so little, not even knowing know to chant Om mani Padme Hum till then, sorry, but i will work hard.thx mad,fuzhong and daryl and those who taught me.Got the defination from lionel's blog. "Om Mani Padme Hum(ॐ मणिपद्मेहूम्)Quoted from wikipedia explaination from -- Gen Rinpoche Heart Treasure of the Enlightened Ones--The mantra Om Mani Pädme Hum is easy to say yet quite powerful, because it contains the essence of the entire teaching. When you say the first syllable Om it is blessed to help you achieve perfection in the practice of generosity, Ma helps perfect the practice of pure ethics, and Ni helps achieve perfection in the practice of tolerance and patience. Päd, the fourth syllable, helps to achieve perfection of perseverance, Me helps achieve perfection in the practice of concentration, and the final sixth syllable Hum helps achieve perfection in the practice of wisdom.So in this way recitation of the mantra helps achieve perfection in the six practices from generosity to wisdom. The path of these six perfections is the path walked by all the Buddhas of the three times. What could then be more meaningful than to say the mantra and accomplish the six perfections? " When chanting ended,it was Own Time Own Target again.As usual, everyone was going for the toilet..bathe.HEHE.And most started to talk in groups[not abt dharma].Sort of broke the noble silience rule.OOPS. Started to talk abt camps once again and not to forget the upcoming june camp! HAHA. they started on some ghost stories which wasn't really to my interest hence i went back to da room. OH MY TIAN..victeo is a very good artist la!! so nice loh.It is not really surprising if someone can draw well on paper, HOWEVER it was done on clor's HP with a stylus!! *dare not believe.it is too nice* AND sice it was a girs' rm, there was quite abit of R21 cat fight going on inside.*see no evil* SLEEP at lights out..Changed place cus more pplx were here.clor was saying Im gonna miss sleeping beside her.LOLS. DAY THREE; Had to leave.There was leadership course in school.It my decision though.Wasn't forced by anyone.Anyway it was only once in a year that we have this course so somehow i thought that i shld go.Madeline decided to pon but then again, it is her choice.wanlingx and lionel went to school too.Dad came to pick us up.LOLS.he couldn't find his way to chalet 2.It is quite a quiet place i must say, as it is hidden all the way inside, away fm the main road.thx vic once again for staying with us in the chalet nd lighting the candles for us and helping to guide my dad here.Sincerely told the buddha that we had to end the eight precepts there and then AND resume with our five precepts as usual like in normal life.Had some light food and bee came in.LOLS.there was light in the house.Maybe they were cold, however for the safety of all the other members, we had to off the lights and hope they get out.*Chants the forgiveness of shortcoming..duno how to type out.* Leadership course was okay.huimin, our instructor was really nice.As usual, adrian, the main instructor was there.Had quite a number of activites and learnt to think out of the box.got some task very nicely done but in one or two we didn't do as well :( will improve.Our grp was the phoenix.yining started the feng fei fei trend.LOLS.cus she said it was phoenix fly fly, hoping to bring the grp to greater heights.HAHA.gaoxiao. Through this few days, i really learnt alot, dharma and leadership skills.I promise to strive to do better in the areas im lacking in and jiayous :) *contented and glad feeling as clor had promised we would get :)* Once again, bigbig thanks to everyone who made the retreat suh a memorable experience; the organisers[ryan,vic,forest,fuzhong,mentors] and of course the SBMY-ians :D AND YES HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO MY NICE KOR, JARREL. SORRY FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO WISH YA HAPPY BITHDAY IN DA CAMP. HP WENT FLAT AND NO ONE HAD SAMSUNG CHARGER.LOLS. Next time better buy nokia phone.HAHA Tuesday, March 14, 2006, 3/14/2006 02:27:00 PM
Back home.Seems like i have loads to do today.Haven't touched much though.wanlingx ona school trip in m'sia.Hope that it's fun la :) jane is back in school training.jiayou wors.. ranie is home pia-ing homework..adelaine is out to play bball.. As the lists goes on, i can't think of who else to accompany me to wisma to get my stuff. Dragged lionel there loh.cus i dun wanna lose muah way.HAHA.hardly shop wisma whats. YAY~ and i got my wallet and waterbottle :) Both ripcurl. the waterbottle is same as cass'. heck if we are gonna have the same one la.it is NICE :) then wallet mahs..actually I was thinking of buying another one but this was smaller :) OHYES, i wouldn't be online for the next few days. going to the retreat at changi after guzheng tmr.ALL the way till friday morning when i break camp with wanlingx and lionel and whoever is going back to school.there is leadership course :) it gotta be fun or i will make it fun cus i left retreat early for it :) Monday, March 13, 2006, 3/13/2006 03:38:00 PM
i don't know what stupid policy is this.it is a holiday and yet we have to go back to school.Might as well declared it as a school day.It is more fair to us and the school. -.-" LOLS.There was HCL remedial today, however, i did not go :) Went for guzheng instead. I wanna play yi sheng bu lehs..duno why.But since yinlaoshi made me do san sheng bu so no choice.just prac a lil while then slack.the sec3 exco list is out but it is not finalised.May change due to performance. Went for debate after that.ALMOST tio second speaker in the opp. team but my voice was jialat.Moreover i don't really understand the title so i decided better not :p The motion: THBT education should be made compulsory.LOLS.Didn't have much to say or rebut so i just wrote notes for them.Pathetically, it only summed up to one page.The debate was much out of point but good job speakers :) Prop speakers: Olivia,leungyan,SingXuan. Opp Speakers: YinTong,Andaline,XunWei. Best Speaker: LeungYan.JIAYOU! debate rocks :) hmm..visited a number of blogs and started to think.. Actually many things have changed. Many things are not like before. Sometimes i just don't know why things have became like that.Since the start of this year, things were never like before.People who were once very close to me just left without a word.Maybe it was my fault for being too committed to other work and neglecting a number of you but have u spared a thot for how Im feeling? Perharps time is the real test for true friendship. True friends are hard to find, so if ya find one, do treasure that person.Suddenly Im filled with regret for not treasuring those old times.. However, time can't be turned back and things which have already happened can't be undone. I guess the most I can do is to make the future a nice one for the peole arnd me.. It is too late to turn back time.. Saturday, March 11, 2006, 3/11/2006 05:42:00 PM
TODAY IS SUPPOSED TO BE A NICE DAY.it is SATURDAY.that means i shld be going to sbm. I woke up fine, just voiceless only.I think scare bertina cus she thot i din sound like myself.then next one is hangqi then wanling then victan.OOPS.i feel so bad la.HAHA.Too bad today is a weekend so no one can help me be my mouth.LOLS.*beams at yijun* WHAHAHAHAHA.Went for breakfast at yishun then to the doctor.OMG.i think the thermometer spoil loh.it said 38.2 degrees.I thot i was alright.Unless my tolerance for fever has increased.LOLS.Last time 37degree ++ I will be half dead already HOWEVER now 38 degrees++ it is like normal gan jue. Must be inherited yihui kor de genes liao.HAHA.*rmbs he 39degree liao still can do project* Obviously dad din allow me to go SBMY.he was like"u go today then later by the retreat u haven't recover how?" and a whole load of questions.But after resting for one whole afternoon, my fever hasn't gone down much.A BIGBIG SORRY to the mogallana family.Sorry that i keep saying i will go early to help u all, say i will go and plan games with victor&forest, say i will help vicky&hangqi cook,say i will pei wanlingx say alot of thingy but in de end cannot go. =( ANYWAY.. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Victor, Happy Birthday to you. Zhu ni sheng ri kuai le, Zhu ni sheng ri kuai le, Zhu ni sheng ri kuai le, Zhu ni sheng ri kuai le. Na Mo An Mi Tuo Fou, Na Mo An Mi Tuo Fou, Na Mo An Mi Tuo Fou, Zhu ni zao ri cheng fou. :) you have to sing yourself la.Cus i no voice to sing liao.HAHA. And Yes, i just read wanlingx blog..I also wanna perm hair! HAHA.I think i have been saying this since last year sept after AKLTG de IAG course.thanks to the chiobu cassandra who has such nice hair :D BUT, nanhua is one cheena school who insists that u tie plaits.having permed hair makes it hard to plait.My hair is already VERY layered and if i perm it it would get worse. See first bahs. Friday, March 10, 2006, 3/10/2006 10:05:00 PM
*if u do not have time u need not read this*Seriously start to think why.. Why so many people are falling ill these days? Why so many people quarrel these days? Why so many people are sad these days? Why so many people are being betrayed these days? so many WHYWHYWHY, YET,why we are still willing to live in this place. My reasons are simple: there are two things which I know which brings smiles to my face. mogallana and council. Not saying other things like NHGZ or twotwelvers or debate are not as impt, but it is the people in there who go through thick and thin with me and does not leave me alone. Councillors; Everyone sees that we get the same enjoyment, pride and authority.However, for those who are not in council.. We also get the scolding, the stupid problems to solve,the high expectations to uphold,but why do we wish to stay in there? cus of the common passion we have to serve the school well.We feel the bond within the councillors.Although there are some internal conflicts,but we know that there are more things that are worthy of us to stay on.We love council as a whole.Service with pride.Even if doing duties means sacrificing somethings, we are willing.It is a choice, not a must. Mogallana; the group of people that i know would nv leave me alone&never accuse me of some things i didn't do.It is like a lil family who cares for each other. <3<3<3 to wanlingx: If you let me choose between reality and dreams, I choose reality. I ain't that strong to live on if it weren't the caring people arnd me.I don't care about the people who makes life hard and miserable for me.I keep reminding myself of the things worth me living on and squeeze the unimportant stuff out of my brain.In dreams, one day, we will have to wake up.Moreover,it might be a bad dream.U'll nv know.Being in reality, no matter how bad the situation is, I know there are people arnd me.I wouldn't fall all the way.Let time lift that commitment away.. , 3/10/2006 06:14:00 PM
OHWELL, i couldn't blog yesterday cus my com went crazy.ANYWAY, ABOUT YESTERDAY; Supposed to get my hair scorpioned neatly by ranie,BUT there was another investiture rehearsal for lower sec so we couldn't meet up.LOLS.After many attempts of meeting, I gave up and went for investiture in two ponytails.Not that i can't do scorpions but it would be messy if i did it for myself.AND that's the prob with cheena schools..HAHA.plaits. Yes, i had a sorethroat in the morning and which a fever followed up.Yining jie thot my temp was a lil high b4 flag raising, but yihui kor said it was okay.so I din really bother.LOLS.Decided to give PE a miss though.Didn't want to worsen my condition.GOT MY COUNCIL TIE DURING RECESS! it is of a much better quality that the sch tie.the length,width,material,colour,design was diff. Not used to it and despite re-tying it, it looks weird. got des to do it for me :) THANKS!! and it was done at one go.HAHA. By history i decided to go to the sickbay.LOLS.37.6 degrees, says the thermometer.lay on the sof and slept cus the sick bay was occupied.THE NEXT TIME someone asks me for ideas to improve on school facilities i shall say that the sickbay shld be able to accomodate more casualties.Woke up to find shaun standing beside me and the other exco were arnd borrowing blazers & shoes for the investiture.xia4 dao4.thot i slept till my investiture was over.LOLS.went back to class for mr ADRIANTAN"S LESSON! lalala.rock-ing lesson. LUNCH.i didn't feel good.Sat at shaoan and bryan's duty place.Had to save some energy to stand through investiture.And thanks to the councillors who helped to get twoten ready cus i was blur and more blur rather afraid i wouldn't be able to hang through the investiture.thx for all those concern and well-wishes..thx for all the help and encouragement all of u gave me. Investiture.it wasn't so bad cus there was the exco leading us through it.THANKS!! Most people didn't giggle or am4 chio3 and this explains the saying chuan dao qiao tou zi ran zhi :)Investiture was much of a sucess though i was rather tired.Yes, i think i have overworked.GUESS WHAT? I actually missed the council family picture?! OMG. CRAP LA.HOW CAN I NOT BE THERE? RARR.it was cus i was lying in the sickbay running a fever of 38.5 degrees.thanks MADELINE, for taking me to the sickbay twice and also getting my lunch :) and kaixun was sick too.get well son yupps? TODAY; I woke up totally voiceless.HOW TO DO DUTY WITHOUT A VOICE? so thanks yijun for helping settle most of the stuff i need to do.hey guy? u seem sian.alright mahs? Thanks for being my 'mouth' to help me say the things i need to say.AND obviously, i was exempted from IPP exercise.Heard it was rather fun but i din mind cus yan and alee accompanied me too.they weren't feeling well either.I was half doing art and half listening to alee zen micro.HAHA. Had post IPP debrief in the hall.1700 over people squeezed in.Not too much on to the squeezey side but some people are just inconsiderate but taking all the space they can afford to have, leaving the others squashed up.Shift people here and there.Quite a number of people were making loads of noise.Zhanyong was passing bottles arnd to the other side of the class.OOPS and that pissed nicko off.Dun angry dun angry.u alright mahs? this few days u also look weird lehs? mei shi bahs? ANYWAY, the exercise was a success! Drank the bottle of water.The side of twotwelve i was sitting at drank it all up HOWEVER, the other side left plenty.LOLS.waste lehs.it is water parade jiu dei drink all mahs.took some of peiru's share and someone else's.SORETHROAT.Went down to place them in the recycling bin.Some stupid person gave us a leaking bag which cause me and kahswee to get a lil wet.OKAY, it was generally him who was wet.Thx shaoan for helping.back to class and debrief.Holiday hmwk was given.OHWELL.it is ALOT. YES, and that guy YIJUN was suan-ing me.RARR..*smacks* haha.serve u right la..HAHA.but seriously u okay hor?LOLS DANCE: LALALA.most people were unorganised at first..breaking up into lil conversations and stuff like that.HOWEVER, twotwelve was settled without being told.PRO?! Everyone was high an at all ears after the warm up.3songs--slow,medium,fast.Shake and get it moving.Revised through Sets A,B,C and made some changes.Learnt Set D.nice.We were dismissed last again, BUT not for a bad cause xD The dance choreographer, MrLow, said we did well.He wanted us to go on the side. Benefits: -when they arrange the formation we need not be present cus we are just lining up the sides -in other words it is to say we are more enthu in dancing. -more media coverage -shows that our prac wouldn't go to waste :) -our costume is diff.it is blue.not yellow sequins like theirs.[i hope it is not sequins] BTW, it is fm 209-212. im not sure abt 210 lehs.the tchr suddenly keesiao.LOLS. Had icecream after dance :) support the council ice cream stall! twotwelve took 10 :) Wednesday, March 08, 2006, 3/08/2006 08:29:00 PM
For the first time in this year, i paid attention to the whole HCL lesson.YAY~ BUTBUTBUT, maths jiu slack liao la..HEHEX. Had rehearsal again this morning.Alot of pplx are am4 chio3 i duno why.PRAY HARD tmr everything is fine. xD EL Debate got extra class today.too bad.Had to pon gz. SO..im now in 3rd gz.those who really wanna find out what it is all about then ask me personally bahs.HAHAHA. WHATEVER.im very tired now. Tuesday, March 07, 2006, 3/07/2006 09:15:00 PM
Shyt.I failed HCL also.E8.how? Only have myself to blame what.Anyway, MrsToh expects us to hand in ALL the art assignments by tmr. I still have the local artists' research,the self portrait, the design symbol & the 3txtbk stuff. OMG.How to finish? o.0 Can anyone print for me? *blink blink* there is EL debate today and th motion was all students should be required to do compulsory charity work.We were the prop but we lost.nvm.Good TRY :) jiayoujiayou. Don't think i did well cus firstly i had only 2 points to say.Far too lil.Good thing i crapped for 4mins plus.Blurred for a lil while.bad enuf.Just glad that i din make the same mistakes i made the last time :) OFF IN A RUSH TO DO ART !! Monday, March 06, 2006, 3/06/2006 08:40:00 PM
Im HOME! lalala.Parents are out for a lil while so im ONLINE.HAHAFirstly, SongMing, wo men yong yuan zhi chi nii derhs... All of us do.Never give up yupps? it is those tchrs duno how to choose.u were a very good councillor :) <3<3<3 Secondly, most things went smoothly and the rehearsal ended rather quickly. Thirdly, yawen and huizhen got hurt in the gz orientation.takkaires girls.the games were crappy but most of us had fun :) LAME.played capt's ball for the last game.Stupid! Yanglu tricked me and jas into handing the netball to her ?! GRR.haha. Went home with MsHan,yihui kor,kashing,adelaine,ranie,yanglu, and lilevelyn.LALALA.Guess what we saw? Ms LinRongChan and Mr Chiu together! woots.OMG! at central summore.HAHA.dun deny liao.Anyway Mr chiu is not teaching in our sch liao.. , 3/06/2006 01:27:00 PM
HAHA.Im in school now.Thinking Skills Lesson but I've already finished my work. x)There wasn't much in the morning jsut that most councillors suddenly became more initiative. Maybe cus there is confirmation this afternoon.if we dun pass then gone liao. =x YES, and just like what i said ealier,I FAILED LIT !! f9 summore lehs.jialat.But also alot of people fail la and ASS GOT 14/25.to think she passed?! Not fair.YES, fyi, i got 9/25.Whatever.i think quite a number got 10/25 which is e8.next time then jiayou bahs... Music.Most of the twotwelver would know what we were doing for the oral composition. "MsYeo..MsYeo..." "boink...boink..." "glycerol...glycerol..." "fatty acids..fatty acids.." OKAY.there is more but i shan't say.LOLS. I shall post the GZ orientation and Confirmation tmr.can't use com at home today.WHATEVER. OHYES, the Mogallana Family outing is gonna be FUN. Sunday, March 05, 2006, 3/05/2006 11:20:00 PM
i thot this was a rather meaningful song..It is I can't smile without You by Barry Manilow. You know I Can't Smile Without You, I Can't Smile Without You, I can't laugh and I can't sing, I'm findin' it hard to do anything. You see, I feel sad when you're sad, I feel glad when you're glad, If You only knew what I'm going through, I just Can't Smile Without You. You came along just like a song and brightened my day, Who'd've believe that you were part of a dream Now it all seems light years away. And now you know I Can't Smile WIthout You, I Can't Smile Without You, I can't laugh and I can't sing, I'm finding it hard to do anything. You see, I feel sad when you're sad, I feel glad when you're glad, If you only knew what I"m going through, I just can't smile without you. Now some people say happiness takes so very long to find. Well I'm finding it hard leaving your love behind me. And you see, I Can't Smile Without You, I Can't Smile Without You, I can't laugh and I can't sing, I'm findin' it hard to do anything. You see, I feel sad when you're sad, I feel glad when you're glad, If You only knew what I'm going through, I just Can't Smile Without You , 3/05/2006 04:24:00 PM
YESTERDAY was my birthday!!AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO COBURN AND NICKO too! I overslept just to realise my inbox was filled with birthday wishes.THANKS!! [or course i burst my sms-es to reply.SEE? "un-dao"]HAHA Met up with wanling & once again i reached first :) Went to flash&splash.No nice wallets. BUT THE BAGS WERE VERY NICE:) Adding them to my wishlist. Finally saw wanlingx. HOWEVER, she forgot to bring something so we went all the way back to bugis. YES, kor was having flagday there.BUT sorry too rush liao.GONNA be LATE! so din go to find you xP Saw hangqi at DhobyGhaut and we dragged him serangoon.HAHA. MOST of the SBMY-ians were there by the time we arrived. Sorry to keep u people waiting!! Went to the field near St.Gabriel's for some games. SBMY FC had a friendly match with Farmers FC in the morning and won them 2-1 YEAH~ JIAYOUS. Had a diff way of playing capt's ball which got us all high. At first it was mixed and then it was separated. GIRLS~Teams ONE which i was in had selina,cherie,mabel,vivian and I. AND WE WON! 3-0. but the other team did a great job too~ the guys in our team won too 5-3~ coburn,vican,weijie,daryl,raymondGoh,forester, fuzhong..and a couple of guys. DUNO what happened and Sel threw her shoe at ernest. OBVIOUSLY Alvin went to get it back by pinning ernest down onto the floor. Kelian de rnest got his back scratched and bruised.LOLS.kelian.. PLayed Volleyball with Pearly,zhenghao,meiyi,mad,ian and fuzhong.GAOXIAO. Maddie&ZhengHao were laughing uncontrollably. LOLS CLEAR UP.the guys raced and the slowest had to clear up. clor,me and alvino were the judges.SABOTAGE!! no la.Im not so bad. Daryl fell.Injured his leg.Takkaire dude. Realised that Cherie is rather pro at treatment :) Someday im gonna learn fm u yupps? Zhenfeng came and we had 'ME' meeting. A few people called to ask what happened. Thx for the concern.mogallana family is fine :) family matters.HAHA.*squeezing brain cells for solutions* waited awhile for victan's parents to come b4 leaving. Walked to MRT together. Most of us broke up into lil conversations. Talking to forest and spoke of my past.SADDED. Just realised how xing4 fu2 Im now to be in the mogallana family, somewhere which u can call home, somepeople whom would not leave u alone. In the past how kelian was it to be cast aside, to be bullied and hurt. Suddenly felt like crying loh. Sorry hor forest, if i had frightened u.HAHA. OOPS..i think aft joining EL debate i ahve became more emotional.LOLS. whatever.thought alot in the MRT until i missed the station.HAHA the truth of impermance. Have to treasure everything arnd me :) Met mum at tiong bahru plaza. Got 2 skirts and a top at icelemontee.LALALA Just went out for belated birthday dinner at jack's place. YUMYUMYUM.a lil too full.Need lipase to digest FATS.lols. Past by Metro.another two racer-back tanktops and a LIMEGREEN shorts.YAY~ BUT maybe shld stop wearing racerbacks. I GOT SUNBURNT AND IT HURTS. so xiasuay to be roasted on my birthday.LOLS to the mogallana family; REALLY SINCERELY, A BIGBIGBIG THANK YEW FOR MAKING MY BIRTHDAY SUCH A NICE AND MEMORABLE ONE :) I LURFFE THE BAG AND THE CAKE :) Friday, March 03, 2006, 3/03/2006 05:58:00 PM
Yesterday night went to AwarenessPlace @ BrasBasah which is below victeo's hse.So COOL right? Took mrt with mad and mabel.We were punctual.Wanlingx girl came in late cus she told me she had to find her maths book.SO i went first.She passed me some cake like what barry would buy for people and wished me happyb'day and told me that there is a budget constrain.thankyou girl.Had chanting,meditation,a very benificial talk by Mentor AngHwee and lastly, two songs by zeming and alvin.Had birthday song and zhenfeng tried to make me eat the cake.SomeHow wanlingx came in with a bigger one.OMG.surprised and shocked.Thanks girl!! And of course zhenfeng who paid for it :) MOGALLANA ROCKS~ Oops, no serviettes so no choice,use hand.Thanks daryl for helping me cut the cake.took a large slice and tried to feed all the mogallana people although there weren't many. =X feed feed feed and ate also.YUM.jiu liddat then go home liao. Let me clarify something: I wasn't angry with mabel putting my photo on the camp poster.Just found it a lil "not so meaningful",hence rather weird.Nevertheless, i thot the vintage style was very much to my liking :) BROWN. <3<3<3 Today is the BIG day of nanhua's annual road run.Went to school with mad in my dad's car.Fell asleep; just a lil tired out.Luckily we were refreshed by the time we were at WC Park.lOads of people were there already.Settled down and it soon began Jogged at a constant speed with clara.din stop till it was more than 2.5 km b4 I started walking.Knee got a lil pain and stomach pains too.LOLS.so she ran.I walked.All the way until the last last part where a whole load of juniors were cheering,of which some i duno who they are la.OOPS.Got some water and went to cheer the others on. Once again there were scandals going arnd.NH-rian really nothing better to talk liao issit? Alan was like trying to di-siao me to make me run faster.Not funny.SOi maintained the speed.YiJun was 6th.Shaoan finished running 20th.Sort of cut his leg is a veryvery lame way.[He lay down on the grass patch upon completion,turned, and the thorny plant beside him cut his leg]LOLS.so dortx la.like that also will happen.First time hear before.Anyway, sorta kelian cus there was blood streaming and the thorn was still there.Guess what i thot of? Marble,firstly it is your chio bro screaming.Secondly is the phrase"i let u hit me then u not pain liao la.dont cry." HAHAHAHA.those who don't understand then some other day then i explain.Ohwells,i found SJAB at the extreme end and brought shaoan there.Bleeding stopped in no time.But the pain came in, in a lil while.hope shaoan is fine.AND YES,charmaine,no scandal.HAHAHA.100%friends. sec2girls:YIYAN,another mogallana girl&twotwelvercame in 4th.PROLICIOUS.yi-xin&alyssa got 10th and 11th respectively.sec2 guys:yunian got 5th and timo got 18th.CONGRATS. Walked back to school.LUNCH.woots.Ate with clara,mad and phay before noticing that kahswee and russell were diligently selling icecreaming instead of eating.WOW.see? council is being LOVED.haha.bought one to support.However, they got too busy so i helped to sell.Clara fed me while helping me count the bigger numbers for $$$.Somehow russell has decided to treat this chiobu to icecream someday.Yes,it is noted.Sure got chance x) Anyway the lime got sold out super fast.Somehow the wire snapped at the wrong time.this means no electricity.the icecream will MELT! thanks's nicholas a.k.a banana a.k.a nicko for saving the rest of the icecream. And of course he got one of the lime ones.BUT STILL HAVE TO PAY.haha.wait, tmr ur b'day issit? or i rmb wrongly? don't care. Assembly prog was super boring.SLEPT.tired.Went home right away.Zzzz... Thursday, March 02, 2006, 3/02/2006 04:30:00 PM
lOads of thanks to those who have already wished me happybirthday like forester,jasmine,victan,rach,yanling,kaiying,jane,lilevelyn,liling and somemore people la.HAHA. although my birthday is not officially here yet. Im freaking tired. i don't know why. CRAP.MARBLE!! Why my pic on the camp poster? change my photo to the GLs one better right? More meaningful loh. And I look weird -.-" for those who duno what im talking abt, marble put the pic i took with daryl during PT in the sequel camp, on the next camp poster. it is in Shixiong's blog it is sorta candid camera by yuanyi. LOLS.somemore i look weird la. *see no evil* New PE tchr for 8weeks to take over thomas. And I got back more results today @#$%*&\ cus i got 2 B3s due to the lil miss of 1mark and 2 marks respectively. English:57% Maths:68% Bio:69% hist:75% geog:84% Have not gotten the rest of my results yet. Overall improvement but im still regret for not studying well enuf. Next time must work harder bahs... gonna go cus i wanna catch some sleep b4 going for the talk tonight. OhYes, for those who wanna pay sbmy funds for the month of march, u can do so later or on sat.it is $2. As far as I know only victan and fuzhong have paid, So the others, erm..HAHA.u know what to do xP Wednesday, March 01, 2006, 3/01/2006 10:22:00 PM
LALALAi bought the knee suport liao. Of course not to the extend of yunian that type. just to make sure things are okay, it is not meant for treatment. Yes kor, takkaire of your knee wors.. Speaking of this[im too lazy to put up the whole conversation here], I rmb the sequel camp incident*looks at mabel and laughs.* to mabel:imagine your chio bro screaming.oh my tian1 !! "i let u hit me la..don't cry liao.." HAHAHAHAHHAHA. I shan''t elaborate more b4 she whacks me xP , 3/01/2006 07:54:00 PM
Art CT; the last paper. OhWell,i couldn't finish the evaluation but the final piece was okay:) Had early recess and off to dance. *Shake shake shake* 111 was super un-enthu Sort of influenced 212 BUT somehow most people started to zi-high AND SHAKE AND DANCE AND MOVE IT. 1-and-2-and-3-and-4-and 5-6-7-8 Of course, nothing can be more interesting than the instructors. WOW~two guys. ONE is CHIO and the other is GAY. the chio one not so bad. OMG.i really can't stand the gay one. *cold wind blows* but i still have to face them till august. -.-" Anyway dance prac ended super early and i went for guzheng :) A game of netball first :) Paisehx.i don't really play so i don't some rules. HAHAHAHAHAHA And of course there were a few times in which i couldn't get the ball :p But i was fun la x) Off to dinner.ciao |
Evelyn Hoh♥
4thMarch1992RJC 10A01B Hadley Hullett 04 evelynhoh@gmail jellybeanjars.lj adores♥ raspberry souffle. Moroccan Mint tea latte. frozen yogurt. stitch. volcom. debates. shades. late night talks. camps. pretty notebooks. mahjong. blazers. tcc. airports. faber drive. hey monday. Adidas Sleek Series. nat geo caffe small talk♥
adieu♥ Aaron Abel Afiqa AiYing Alethea AmandaLow Andrea Andrina BaiFeng Beverly CassandraChong ChaoHsien Charlene CharmaineNg CharmaineTeh Charis Cherise CherngShing CherylLeong CherylSeow Chrysan Clarence ClaraChooi Clarissa Denise Eisabess Emelia Estella EugeneChua EugeneLee EugeneThaddeusLee FangYu FeliciaKang FuZhong GongJing HaiWei HADLEYHULLETT! HanLyn HweeChang Irene Ivan James Jane Jarrel JasmineTeo Jency JianXiong JingRu JoelLim JoeyLee Jowell JudithAng Juulia KahSwee KaiWenPHOTOS Karine KevinLee KianChoong Kieran KitYeng LanYa Leonard(OBS) LiFen LiLin LiMin Lionel(OBS) LiTong Lorraine Mabel MatthewChan Michelle Moggallana Nick NHStudentCouncil Phoebe RachaelGan RachelChen RachelOon Ranie RaymondTham Rossellini Ruth QianYi SBMYouth SereneYeo Sherlyn Sherman ShiXiong SiLing Sinta Tazkiah Titus Valerie WanLing WenFu WenJing LeeXinYi YanLing YiAn YingChen YingHui YiNing YiYan YuYuan Archives
September 2005October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 January 2011 August 2011 March 2012 July 2012 Credits
Design: doughnutcrazyImages: yunyunsarang Textures: I II |