![]() Tuesday, February 28, 2006, 2/28/2006 06:27:00 PM
Maths paper today.Not confident of doing well.Gt my El results. 17/30.what a border line pass, thanks to the unfinished summary.it is a hard lesson learnt.sort of glad i din fail like some others.HAPPY BIRHTDAY ALETHEA! After School;the schedule for NDP is out. firstly, YAY~ cus it doesn't clash with march retreat and prequel camp and vesak @ Orchard. Secondly, not so YAY cus it takes up some of my saturdays :( and that means there goes my SBMY! NO!!! but luckily the sat pracs only start on 20thMay.Phew.erps..there is also the 27thMay rehearsal.there are al the sat pracs b4 prequel camp.these two sats are gone liao la. subsiquently there are a few more in total not more than 10, all the way too NDP.PUH-LEASE CUT IT DOWN.i wanna go SBMY! mogallana! Okay anyway thx to msyeo who TRIED to cut down our pracs and succeed.However, the first one starts tmr. o.0 thirdly, also not so YAY cus it also overlaps loads of guzheng lesson.esp wednesdays.thats the only day of the week yinlaoshi is here la.somemore next year is SYF.Went to see des aft sch to 'discuss' how.yinlaoshi must be v.disappointed.SORRY~ Rather surprised that he has experience in NDP and jipeng also.of course not to forget, there is my kor, jarrel. :) Heard that i won't have much sats but i will DO[not TRY] my Best to go for all the sbmy sharing session derhs.really. =\ EL Debate Class again.Some people got rather emotional and stuff.I shan't elaborate more. to jane: don't be sad already kkx? CHEERIOS GIRL. that bio tchr is liddat.don't care =p clara and i flunked our eoy bio la.this is only CT.relax yupps? *back to debate class* Had lil pracs.Once again I was in th same grp as tanisha&erps...this sec3 girl but i duno her name xP it was okayokay just no one to crap with me :( But at least I had learnt alot since i first came in and too, made some frenx like yijun,xingxuan,leungyan, and erps..im too lazy to type. xP As usual it ended at 4plus 5. jane,yijie and i left together again.Chatted along the way to central.In the past when people tell me that u have to know the person for a longer time to understand their true character but i had never believed.BUT suddenly I have come to realise that it is so true. Some people whom I thot are rather nice ended up to be SO~SO ; whereas some who I thot are just normal frenx turned out to be really nice people. Yupps. Shan't elaborate more.Need to finish planning the final piece and research work =\ LALALA~ cus lessons officially end at 10am as there is DANCE.shake shake shake. Hope i can learn some moves for essential use be it in SBMY or next OC. *I like to move it move it..* Monday, February 27, 2006, 2/27/2006 04:31:00 PM
LALALA Do I seem very happy today? Alethea says so. X) Biology paper today. Shan't say more about it. There was maths class test which i din do well. tmr is maths common test so i gotta be mugging soon. And Yes, i think maths lesson in the auditorium is much better. chem was super crappy. eric tan was making SO much sense. he made it sound like we are thinking too much and the theory is just so simple. x) Saw some oneone juniors at lunch. heard of some b'day celebrations tmr :D liling, happy belated birthday :D OH,i just remembered something. there was this senior, whom i decided not to say who, actually smiled to me today. As in properly. I was rather taken aback lah. in the past it had never happened b4. Everytime we see each other would be either: 1. he would nag "blahblahblah" 2.he would give me that sarcastic look 3.give me a whole load of his rantings 4.suan me like it ain't anyone's prob. 5.he is too busy and barely takes notice. 6.tells me a whole list of stuff i need to do. Now u know why i was so surprised rights? *shrugs* OhYes Kor,u just started to wear specs or am I slow? But it is nice la. x) actually that day saw u with specs but i was thinking if i saw the wrong person. LOLS. zi-highness.hope it can last till camp!! don't worry abt me yupps? xiong&the other mogallana people: i won't let u all down :) *continue to keesiao* HAHA Sunday, February 26, 2006, 2/26/2006 02:11:00 PM
Went to get new contacts again.Actually i wanted to get specs, those thick ones, BUT there wasn't any veryvery nice ones worth buying. HAHA.so i got another 2 contacts. xP IF u see any nice specs PUH-LEASE tell me yupps? And LALALA my knee is alright! But it will worsen if i run again. Nevertheless Im ON to running in the road run. Gotta buy a knee guard bahs.. Just read wanling's blog. Remembered the stuff which we were chatting abt yesterday March Retreat is coming. After which would be Vesak@Orchard And out Ehi-Passiko Prequel Camp 2006 which would be held at camp christine. OMG.we are booking the whole of camp christine! cool right? AnywayI was thinking in the MRT with vic teo and forest.. In the midst of our conversation i was thinking... What if Im not a camper anymore? What if I can't perform my roles up to expectations? What if I screw up some group's cheer lke what i did once? What if I can make the campers high? What if... the more i think, the more probs im most likely to face :) I know many people will be saying Have confidence in yourself and just do it. that's what we were doing in akltg and el debate right? Yes. Maybe i shall just look forward to it!!!! there is going to be this interesting video as of what i heard. WOOTS.and vicky was saying that he can go and multi-task.LOLS. okay, thx for reassuring me that i can do it and other stuff for the camp :) Do my best and STRIVE :) LALALA mogallana family rocks! Saturday, February 25, 2006, 2/25/2006 11:25:00 PM
I was late for session today. Puja had ended by the time i was there. Actually, Im very happy today. Firstly,I don't regard meditation as a chore anymore. Somehow i ave got used to it and 30mins didn't seem that long. Secondly,the attendance this week was the highest since sequel camp. although it wasn't the best but as compared to the past, it is v.good. Hope we can bond with the freshies asap bahs :) Thirdly,the talk was rather gaoxiao and everyone enjoyed it. Yeps. Zekui left for Melbourne today so we went to the airport to send her off. Gave her a lil gift. Initially it was fm me and wanling,BUT we lurffe mogallana. cus like family mahs, so include everyone :) Hope Zekui likes it. Took MRT there and we were talking all the way.LALALA. Mostly abt camp, to mabel's chio bro and forester. YES, you saw the word CHIO. xP Anyway, we were making a whole load of noise and i thot it was rather xiasuay. Who cares. xD Went to receive da4 gu1 since she is back fm taiwan. OMG.Suddenly i regretted not shopping enough at the airport. HAHA.Anyway i was too hungry too.LOLS , 2/25/2006 11:21:00 AM
Yesterday was an early release of school.LALALA. Obviously we weren't in the mugging mood through the day xP Ohwell, El test was another historical passage -.-" Couldn't finish copying that summary fm my draft and of course, I was nagging by petertan. "How come u nv use brain one? hand in your draft la!" And the took my paper o.0 More negative comments abt adrian tan; But i still think he is nice:) For those who don't know, he is my geog tchr. AT LEAST he is better than ms choy. OOPS. MsPoom Said that lit is another flunking subject for us, so i think i flunk it too. whatever. YAY YAY YAY~ we got super lame and decided to challenge songzhi. As u know,after school he'll pia out of class, SO... All of us decided to chiong to win him.HAHA life of a nerd. Obviously i was first cos i was sitting beside the door xP LALALA.12.03pm WOW. lame. went jp with yanling and saw ranie(original+puny) and 212'05 people. they wanted to watch rumour has it but i had to meet wanling :) so we went for lunch and saw some councillors kahswee,shuxuan,mich,lynette,huishan,qianyi and john. and saw some el debators like olivia ,yijun, and xingxuan THANKS YANLING for the ear rings :) Met wanling and went to fareast plaza. OHWELL.MORE nanhuarians. typical nanhua life.erps... some sec3 guys walking down the street o.0 dont know most of them. i think one of them is jerry of something like that. went in.shopshopshop. generally window shopping.HAIZ. saw daphne,lynn,rebecca,cuitian,justine..erm..still got alot la. *shrugs.NANHUA* Bought a lil brown bag:) the shop owner was fm MJR. *discounts.thx.* went arnd to borders.blahblahblah. then went home. ZZZzzz... Thursday, February 23, 2006, 2/23/2006 07:07:00 PM
Im SO SAD. Can anyone feel the pain in me? NO. *ouchs* How can this happen to me? RoadRun,NDP Prac,MY B'day,SBMY Retreat are coming. I hope it isn't Knee Meniscal tear like qianyi da mei. *PRAYS* , 2/23/2006 04:17:00 PM
LALALA Im alright today! No more sneezes and sniffs. Received some sms-es this morning. to capt; Not trying to neglect SBMY or that my commitment has lessen.Maybe I put things in a wrong way.Everything I choose to do is something I have passion in and take pride of.Everything is equal to me and there is nothing rated as a "more important" event. I meant to go for the retreat and MAY go for the like half of the dance pracs.But after lots of consideration, somehow i decided to go for the retreat.It would make more sense if i went for just one activity and do it good and well than go for both half-heartedly.Yeps.that's my decision.If it has caused any disappointment in you cus i din clarify myself well enough at first I am very soory about that.Just to let you know,other of mogallana's leaders are equally committed too.Like victan who went back to school just to check the competition dates so that he can give u an earlier reply and the other leaders too. HCL paper was lame so I shan' say more abt it. PE.I injured my leg AGAIN.YES, and it is now worse than b4. Went to run 2.4km cus i thot my leg was fine already. (I walked the previous time.) By lunch there was already a sharp pain when i kneel/squat or get up. sitting is included.So i went to eat with jane instead of sitting at side 1. Nevertheless, I decided to be helpful by getting the people out of the field and courts. who knows.. one guy shouts to him"is she yours?" OMG.i was so -.-" I shan't say who is the him to prevent more scandal.HAHA. Weird way of guys talk. Do duty together cannot arh? OHYES.geog class was nice. we got out results back and PHEW. Although comparing to the others in the class i din do really well, at least i knew i could do all the questions &%^#$*@ the 4 marks were lost to carelessness. highest is 25/25 fr kevin[WOW.] and lowest shld be 18/25 or sth like that. So for the other classes who haven't gotten ur results, FRET NOT.u won't fail. [unless u left ur whole paper blank.] And cherngyew, 212 isn't pro-licious by nature. YOU PEOPLE CAN DO IT :) jiayous. YEPS. before i forget,MrAdrianTan told us his very inspirational story. We are not supposed to tell the whole world abt so it but I dun think Im. Just the summary; He used to be a super rebelious student and almost got expelled twice. then one teacher touched him so he started to study hard. got 36 points for prelims and 12 points for o'levels PRO? YES.determination. even to those who did not do well in ur o's don't give up yupps? Wednesday, February 22, 2006, 2/22/2006 07:07:00 PM
I MUST OFFICIALLY SAY SOMETHING; my hands are very soft. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Cus I went in search of the choco mint sweet clara had, but to no avail. Instead, I bought this eclipse mint sweet. It is NOT okay. cus i can't open the box with my thumb. SO mum and dad took turns. and both of them could. WHEN i press, nothing. SO i use my fingernails to open in AND of course scratching off much of the paint. LOLS.gaoxiao right? -.-" to him and her; Went to both your blogs and somehow got a picture of what is happening.Decided not to tag cus I don't know what to say either.Wishing both of you all the best yupps? And no matter if u all are together ultimately,at least know that the choice u all make has not left u in regret.jiayous :) , 2/22/2006 03:54:00 PM
I'M SITLL SICK. I woke up this morning to realise that my flu has got worse. Ate 2 Panadol and off to school. OHWELL.If I had knew Lit Paper was so Difficult I wouldn't hae gone. What if I flunk it? Even the Pro don't have confidence. Just like HCL.I got 54/100 And sotongball wants our parents signatures. =X 14/20 for lit class test. and shaoan got 18! So shocked. pro kia. even yvonne mei got 17. I don't rmb anymore scores. YiJun got 14 as well. ANYWAY, Im almost confident in failing lit. The poem was crappy and chim. Just thot of a theme for the poem "Irony of a rich women" But the test is over. Forget it. I think I misinterpreted the last stanza. ALOT of marks. Whatever. I wanna sleep liao.*sneezing&sniffing away* OhYes, I think I spread my flu to clara.SORRY GIRL~ So i gave her my medicine loh.haha. Tuesday, February 21, 2006, 2/21/2006 06:40:00 PM
CRAP.i woke up this morning and realised that i wasn't feeling well, but on the thot that I have my hist paper and EL dabate today, I dragged myself to sch. I was sneezing and sniffing all day. History test was OKAY cus of the mcq. Without it, i'll fail. El Debate was so crap. Im in group 3. Did some stuff and went to present with LeungYan. Ohwell.I don't have the mood to blog anymore. I feel sick. Monday, February 20, 2006, 2/20/2006 04:14:00 PM
HOWHOWHOW? Im SO SAD.cus I screwed up my geog CT! OH YES; it was a frikkin' easy paper.When I mean easy, it is. But despite that fact, I had tons of careless mistakes of reading the questions wrongly! SHEESH.I just don't wanna talk about it. [thinking abt not being able to go to SBMY freaks me out.] Thanks to those who were there listening to my rants :) Thanks a million to Alee,Rach,ShaoAn,YanLing,Clara,YiJie and many more :) Alright,2/4 got detention for the who week, for some lame reason of course. Did two things against my duty,this will be the last time liao kaes? How can see frenx so kelian and still jian si bu jiu? *looks at erps...*Sorry la.no next time liao. =p Went to the field and courts to get people out.It wasn't the same doing duty alone but luckily most of the people were rather cooperative:) thanks people,Also shaun and shaoan who helped. I shan't say about lessons. The NDP Dance is tap dance, not hiphop. But it was rather nice,at least the part i saw wasn't too boring. All Im worried would be the costume.IF it looks weird? then I would be a weirdo wearing it. So we were half dancing in Junaidah's class.HAHA.cus it was free time. The beat it rather fast.hope i can master it:) Oh Yes; I realy hopefully plead that dance doesn't eat into My SBMY time slots such as sessions, camps and other preparation stuff.PUH-LEASE.i lurffe dance all the same. So I don't wanna miss out any of it:) Sunday, February 19, 2006, 2/19/2006 08:39:00 PM
there was the ever-so-crap mr adriantan's geog class yesterday, and whoops,mad,panda and i were 20mins late.haha.As a result he posted me a geog question the moment i sat down -.-" Ohwells,I managed to answer it all the same:) PLUS it ended anrd 1 1/2hrs earlier than expected time. =D SO we played netball.I seen to get on to it.I have NEVER played it in sec1,cus I just don't feel like it.but now I do:) Madeline wasn't well, but glad that she is now. Saw Selina on the train.HELLO GIRL! LALALALA i went to SBMY,on a very tough condition though. If I do not do well this time then I would be banned from it.crap.And Im stil blogging now? it doesn't make any sense.I shall DO my best.I lurffe SBMY.I lurffe MOGALLANA. Studied a lil there and as usual there was puja,meditation and other stuff. somehow or rather I didn't go for the talk cus I was pia-ing geog upstairs o.0 So gaoxiao, cus alot of people were thinking of not paying funds,wanling and I got all of it settled all the same:) haha.OKAY, so for the rest who haven't paid, u can give it to me or her; whoever u see. Most of them or rather all but victan and I went to kaiyi's hse for zekui's farewell. BYE GIRL.we will miss you.but commontest are anrd the corner so can't go.OHWELLS. AND so we crapped all the way home. Friday, February 17, 2006, 2/17/2006 05:04:00 PM
YAY~ Jane is back in school today.girl, don't needa make him apologise or anything like that.i don't need it. OKAY.Maybe today is friday so everyone is in a much more relaxed mood.twotwelvers were playing to their hearts' content.Sorry if i haven't been with u guys for quite sometime.try my best to find time yupps? we are still as united as before...against scolding.haha.we do our best to prevent any chance which we may get scolded. ANYWAY,sotongball scolded us again o.0 but maybe after this time i MAY consider MUGGING.not because of what she said,more to the side that I had straigtened out my thots.meanwhile I must really thank those people standby me in or outside school. Thursday, February 16, 2006, 2/16/2006 09:21:00 PM
Mum suddenly decided that i cant go to sbmy on sat cus common tests start on monday. Dad has sort of given up hope on me cus we sort of argued yesterday. Yeps.I don't know why whenever Im frustrated I think of council.Maybe because the people there are nice :) Sort of in hope i don't flare up.HAHA.Just got to know today that ferarina, ex-senior, is yijun's sis.Although i don't know who she is, but she is one out of the two sec4 ohfive councillors who got 9distinctions.AND she got into hwachong.WOW! And the other senior is engpeng.Mr Liu just told us engpeng's story the other day.I shall summarise it.Basically it is about him being an average express student who does badly in chinese.there was one day when he failed it and did not get scolded.Feeling guilty, he strived very hard for good results and achieved 9distinctions(7A1,2A2) in de end.Rather inspirational :) Moral of the story: Success is a choice.You choose to succeed. Just read in the papers the story of uncle roland.for those who doesn't know,he is an undertaker, the boss of 4 funeral companies.he is not my relative.he is a friend of dad.it is quite inspiring too.haha.If u wanna find out then read the papers on your own yupps xP i shall go and mug now :) , 2/16/2006 06:14:00 PM
TODAY IS CRAP.everything went wrong.firstly,jane is sick; not in school. secondly,some stupid junior said something which i got very bushuang at.at first you were a very nice junior.i don't know what had caused that change in you but hello? what i said was out of natural reaction okay? dont ever think that i have the intention to cause u a breakup although i think u all not pei.she is my best fren la. thirdly, there was this councillor form.GRR.i don't know what the tchrs will say but OHWELLS. had a lil gastric pain cus i haven't been eating well for days but Im alright now :) Played volleyball and captain's ball during PE.YAY~ and mrs raja din ask for the hist media coverage.Mr adriantan took my doodling paper away during geog.LOLS.i was listening la.but whatever.the paper was almost full. ASSEMBLY! we were crapping at the back of the hall such that BLim stared at us for a few times.hehe.but it was fun:) OHYA.yijun bought 11roses for us, but dare not bring to sch -.-" LOLS.the day ended off and i stayed back to pia lit.so nice right? anyway i m going baack on sat for adriantan's geog class.haha. to alfed; SORRY~ haha.din know that ur mum will react like that o.0 Tuesday, February 14, 2006, 2/14/2006 09:08:00 PM
HELLO HELLO.Im not gone.Saturday; 51/81 pplx came for council meeting. Had a briefing about some duty. B Lim was the new council tchr :) Had council test. o.0 I don't know what happened. YAY~ and there is tossing of raw fish salad(yu2 sheng1) Went to SBMY early with wanling. "ME" meeting.but hangqi was late.LOLS. the mogallana stuff i will update it on the mogallana blog when it is done.credits to wanling who is doing most of the job :) thanks girl. had meditation with the leaders o.0 ain't as bad as i thot.30mins passed rather quickly. watched a video and had song singing session :) Yes and I was nice.cus i eat two plates of ananda's beehoon.bertina hor?LOLS. Sunday; went to watch yinlaoshi's GZ performance at victoria concert hall. Same as last place year And I was sitting with alfred.LOLS.i duno why lehs.no sec3s came. Yawen and I took pics.haha.cus the rest were camera shy -.-" Of course, alfred and I ended up debating on the performance stuff. and they bought tulip for yinlaoshi.LOLS. shld see the presentation of flowers by alfred. the whole audience were laughing.HAHA.i shall be nice by not elaborating:) Monday; School is as usual. there was guzheng after school. and I wanted to buy v'day prezzies. In de end adelaine,zhiwen,jocelyn,bryan,tingting,kuolyn and I ended up at NTUC shopping for candies.haha.We met by conincidence. bought milky bars and some other stuff like nougats. decided not to get "those" stuff like what some other councillors have bought. YEPS.it is you-know-whats.haha. TUESDAY; VALENTINE'S DAY. went arnd giving candies and getting them too.LOLS. thx adelaine and jasmine for the prezzie :) some made cookies.LOLS. went to 101 during lunch to give stuff to liling and some other people. AND we saw nicholas from 101. I really duno what's the problem but they two GRRR.i duno la.whatever. OHH.someone whom i duno, got some letter from a senior.LOLS.so lame. "I have been noticing you for a long time already and I found out something..I LOVE YOU!! You have been noticing me too right?" the you have been noticing me too part is erps...so BHB. ART; I was drawing mushrooms away! haha.drew mine&clara's. Ohwells.her expectations are diff from lychee's.BUT my mushrooms are nice :) EL debate; OMG.xiasuayed myself.i shan't say more. Most people are fm MAD club or EDC. AND there are 6 councillors.haha.i duno.just happened to notice. shaun,leungyan,yintong,yijie,jane and me.LOLS. Friday, February 10, 2006, 2/10/2006 04:30:00 PM
today is crap. I overslept and was almost late. to be exact, I reached school at 7.28 am. lOads thanks to huimin,jipeng and desmond. rushed in and thanks to a lil confusion this morning, I made it there. Phew.thanks yijun for helping me takkaire of the class 1st. maths;ms han came in and played with us.WOOTS. geog;adrian tan started to go weird and crazy again.horny guy. lit;ms poon went crazy and crap too.she began teaching us hist. english;peter tan went crap and crazy too -.-" lunch;YAY~sorry, im over enthu abt lunch duty.HAHA.but it is fun,Although i still duno what's so fun abt it.LOLS. HCL; sotongball went keesiao.but this time it is in a bad way.GRRR."you don't listen to my lessons then i write u a very bad report when LS ask me to.nvm, u can carry on daydreaming."LOLS.what's her prob la. ACC; crap,the relief tchr went scolding people.but i did my hcl essay.LOLS See how crap my day can get? HAHA. Thursday, February 09, 2006, 2/09/2006 09:53:00 PM
Next wednesday there is malay test.interclass test.Supposed to prepare some 10mins item in Malay.Our class chose to sing songs.HAHA.Some suggested singing National Anthem cus no need to learn but most found it lame -.-" So in de end the choice was I asked my love.LOLS. I asked my love i ask my love, to take a walk, to take a walk, down orchard road, by pass mandarin, to centrepoint, where we had lunch, At macdonalds, we had fillet and an apple pie, we shared a cup, of lemon lime. I held her hand, look into her eyes, i asked her to, be my valentine. There was one night, we went night hike, there was no light, so we used torchlight. Under the clear moonlight, looked into her eyes, i asked her to, be my future wife. But she rejected me, she turned me down, she turned her head, and said goodbye. I was so sad, now that she had gone, So I turned my way, to the airport. When I reached airport, I was alone. I looked around, and saw my love. There was one guy, standing beside her. I was so sad, and departed. So I named this song, a sad sad song. Coz it breaks my heart and filled with tears. Oh my darling,now that you have gone. Let me alone to sing this song, There was one day, I saw a girl. Who looks alike, my belovedI ran to her, gently hold her hands. Then I realized, she is not mine... HAHA.credits to jarrel da korr who help me find the lyrics. And of course to eugene and the nnc people who helped to get the "other version"LOLS. , 2/09/2006 07:04:00 PM
Before assembly;there was geog test.okay.ain't to bad. at least i could do most of the questions. there was lunch duty. as usual, it is funny and crappy. hope that there is lunch duty everyday :) keesiao. Assembly; some tchr came over to scold us for talking -.-" anyway it confirmed that our sch is the only sch participating in NDP. the bunch of us are really high abt it; BUT thinking again, what would happen to our results? If there is gonna be very frequent dance pracs, we are all gonna be very shack. How to study? Anyway sotongball said we din do well for hcl o.0 After assembly; Did some simple practical. Many people either din bring or din hand in, And everyone was in a rush to go off. I don't know why. As a result,I couldn't make it for the lil OC celebration.Aww... Anyway most of my frenx din go.haha. And it was raining so freaking heavily. Amanda and I were freaking drenched when we reached clem mrt.LOLS Found a lil prezzie for jie.HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Does anyone have the lyrics for "I ask my love"? the song we sang during OC.Pls tell me asap. Wednesday, February 08, 2006, 2/08/2006 09:15:00 PM
overslept again.My aunt has gone to taiwan o.0I can scorpion my hair already,but it is still messy. i shall just tie two ponytails then.HAHA Now im frikkin pissed off cus my msn keeps disconnecting. what's the problem. Sorry if i keep disconnecting while talking. OOPS.i just realised something. i haven't brought eveline jie's prezzie and her b'day is on sat. i shall do it tmr :) next wed malay class gotta do some class presentation. we chose some songs but duno what to do with it. actually wanted to sing national anthem.clever right? but some think it is frikkin stupid.LOLS. anyway it is a test mark so let's not risk it. guzheng.PHEW.din do algae's PT. come to think of it, many people are rather mean to him loh. okay, i shall be nice and obedient. i shall do PT with the sec3s on mon. xP remind me to photocopy the scores for my juniors tmr morning :) WOW.long time since i have been so NICE anyway there is assembly tmr o.0 let's see how it goes... Quite a number of things in my life are falling into place already... except you. i don't see you in my life. it is incomplete. Or maybe... maybe we are just not meant to be together. i need time to help me heal those wounds in my hart. Tuesday, February 07, 2006, 2/07/2006 10:24:00 PM
OH YES. I FORGOT TO SAY;NAN HUA HIGH IS GONNA PERFORM DURING NDP SO U MUST WATCH! haha.only the sec ones and twos.hope that my knee is alright by then.whatever. , 2/07/2006 06:49:00 PM
Aww..i brought my jacket today and so did timo.too afraid of yesterday's temp; BUT we din need it at all. it was all sunny and bright. there was HCL,bio and lit class test today. din really study as i was really tired last night. fell onto my bed and slept. As a result, i dont think i did well but whatever is over, i can't do anything abt it. Study well for the other HCL class test tmr :) lunch duty was crap.HAHA.it is only our when everyone comes to help out.YAY~ Sneaked out of Peter tan's class b4 it ended.LOLS. Phew.he din realise cus the whole class was chaotic. YAY~ Im so happy! haha. cus in ages that art tchr hasn't given much positive comments; And she actually said my mushroom was NICE. so shuang gan can?! Went for the ecogarden thing.there were only me and mad.LOLS. cus the others couldn't make it. We went snail catching. Eww.I was super scared at first, but i got used to it after awhile. OOPS! she almost fell in.HAHA. eat kfc lunch.YUMYUM.i was really hungry.haven't been eating proper lunches for 2 days. Monday, February 06, 2006, 2/06/2006 09:06:00 PM
saturday;OMG.it was a rocking day :) pia-ed all the way to sbmy only to find that there were less than 5 mogallana people.LOLS. There two exco members who jon us were zeming and liangjian.Most people din want to come cus they wanted to sleep.LOLS.i also wanna sleep.cindy joined us too,although she ain't fm sbmy. came to my house first.sorry guys.din have entertainment for u all.HAHA.so we self-entertained.din play gz cus it was frikkin' out of tune.eww.then vic tan came to my hse.blahblahblah.zeming and liangjian took turns to talk to mum. o.0 phew.nth happened.mum jux said how slack i was -.-" haha.but nv scold la. :) went to victan's hse.OMG.dude, watcha direction.your hse lehs.his mum is nice and friendly.but rather strict though.then brought up *ahemahemahem* yeps.CHEERIOS~ mogallana yong yuan zhi chi nii~ don't sadd kaes?OMG.Cindy is a pro is those tibet buddhist stuff. din go to larry and ian's hse cus they were not there then guai4guai4 derhs so met up with wanlingx and went to amanda's hse.her doggie is cute! and nice of course.cus it doesn't bite or bark.if hardly licks and doesn't have fleas flying and.LOLS.had lunch there and slack for quite a long time before proceeding to liangjian's hse.the final destination where we were supposed to have dinner.went to buy dinner and other stuff.the realm guardian played xbox.LOLS. TA-DA and everything was ready.people came and we exchanged greetings.DINNER! we did it the way liek what we did at qinggongyan.so mogallana people sat together and KAI DONG! eat. after dinner there were games.got that orange thingy.victan peeled and put on fuzhong's spoon then he pass to me then i pass to vic teo who ate it.lame.but it is fun la.told them put one by one liao but they put 3 by 3.LOLS.pro lehs.disqualified la.but we were satisfied.kelian de victeo ate it 3 by 3.LOLS.summore we pass so fast.HAHA.the skill was there hence we were contented.most impt is happy mahs?! super highh.by this time all the other mogallana people have left.only left me,victan,victeo,forester,hangqi,fuzhong and liangjian(DUH! it is his hse.LOLS). went home with mad in daddy's car.YAY~haha.cus we were tired. talked abt the day's experiences and other sbmy stuff.hmm..ananda still seems as fun as before..but i have NO regrets being in mogallana! diff approach bahs.haha.ge4 you3 ge4 de4 hao3 :) MONDAY(no time to blog for sunday.haha); OMG.today is freezing COLD. rainrainrain. i m gonna bring jacket tmr.not going to risk it.haha.i almost froze today and kaiying needed her jacket.blahs.so no one could lend me.YAY~ and for once timo allowed us to off that fan and close that window.HAHA. i suddenly feel like going for english debate lehs.HAHA.duno why.pulled jane along.hope i can get in although my eng ain't that good.haha.lunch duty was crap.stood there to talk only o.0 twotwelvers broke the record.17 people din bring/do preston today.LOLS.first time for bio.it is usually HCL or EL.haha. AFTER SCHOOL.there was guzheng.but yeechin made me go with her to that sec1 leadership course.LOLS.whatever.so I went and wrote a whole lot of crap for her evaluation.nice right? and went arnd to look see look see at the sec ones.HELLO? i won't eat u up.don't have u stop your entire discussion and look at me when im near your grp derhs.im not chio bu also, so no need to do that lahh. Went back to guzheng.algae told me to do PT on wed cus i missed today's -.-" clever me requested for PT on the 3rd floor only cus of my knee.OH;it ain't getting better.Must not let it get worse :( there are loads of test tmr, the day aft tmr and the day aft the day aft tmr.whatever.im gonna SLEEP NOW.feel asleep during dinner la.LOLS. Friday, February 03, 2006, 2/03/2006 09:46:00 PM
exhausted,blur,tired...BUT i don't sense of that satisfaction anywhere.maybe today's performance sucked; much worse than the CNY performance. Many things cropped up at that important time. In front of everyone, all the beijing guests, nanhuarians... Anyway it is all over so let's not brood over it. to alfred&cindy; don't be sad already kaes? what has happened can't be undone.let's just think abt how to improve it :) the ultimate goal is still SYF. to the npcc people esp yangyi and jipeng; thanks for tolerating all the crap we gave you guys(and girls.HAHA) and for being so cooperative.Sorry if we have offended u all in any way :) to nicko and the girl(sorry i duno what is your name); thx for helping us out :) to the NHCO people who came to support; THANK YOU!!! Aww...I fell asleep during the last part of lit and first part of maths although i had plenty of stuff to eat.HAHA.OHH..some alumni came back to sell stuff.among the few of them who came back, i saw SPENCER,BEN AND JACINDA! haha.oops.nv go and da zhao hu to spencer but i dun really think he rmb who im.so suan liao.nxt time he come back then say loh.bought sweets to support, and went arnd with jiemin and yanling to promote -.-" if we know they are coming back earlier then we would have promoted more.LOLS. OHYA.i have got another mummy -- leihoi !! haha.part of gz tradition.AND a wai gong a.k.a grandfather which is desmond.LOLS.most it is me whois doing the decision loh.whatever. xD waigong dun sheng qii wors.sheng qii will become more old. to yining and yijun; GET WELL SOON!!! wo men yong yuan aii nii men :) Thursday, February 02, 2006, 2/02/2006 06:23:00 PM
thursday=wear tie. yiyan and barry forgot to bring tie. so as usual, scolding fm sotongball.kelian. Assembly; it was some NS rock band. quite nice; but we were really in the mood. no crappers to entertain. AND sotongball was sitting right beside me. cus it was generally me and yintong only. yijun and gabriel were sitting somewhere else. gabriel only came when the show was almost ending. Only after assembly did we have some time to crap at the corridor. Although sec one class councillors and sec two class councillors hardly talk about duty together, BUT within council, we are still rock-ing!!! HAHA.lmao.Of course la. highh. this year twotwelve has changed. no more the onetwelve i used to know. Most have became more hardworking, but of course there are a few whose attitude got worse. excuse me? don't make it sound like we are begging you to stay. there are many councillors who are better and willing to stay :) if don't like then leave la.OR at least say it it ain't nice esp when we hear it fm other people. suo1 tou2 wu1 gui1. NO MAtter WHAt, COUNCIL rocks :) Wednesday, February 01, 2006, 2/01/2006 06:38:00 PM
Okayy.My bag is limegreen,and NOT hari raya colour.LOLS.today is alright.At least no one scolded me :) Mrs raja was in a good mood[i wasn't really paying attention in history class], Mrliu din scold me although I had corrections to do; even MrCheng and Mrs LimLS din say anything abt my attire like they usually do!!! xD Maybe cus the superintendent is here today! HAHA.i hope he comes everday, then everyday would be NICE :) MrThomas wasn't here for PE today; but sunbear took over and made us run 1.6km with his class.I saw that very attitude girl, and her clique. PLUS it is a sec one class so can't lose to them =p that's what so bad about being a senior.HAHA. SO our class chiong-ed. HAHA. BUT they cheated!!! LOLS. cus they took all those short cuts u can find.OH PUH-LEASE la.when we were in sec one we din even take ANY. But most of us were faster than the lot.LOLS.YAY! twotwelve rocks~ After school there was briefing for sec one and two class councillors regarding tmr's assembly.Thanks gabriel for reminding me or I would have forgotten xD wanna guess who is incharged? mervin,yijun and weimann. Went to sit with jane but almost tripped over shao an.OOPS.it was like rebellion again weimann.HAHA.most of the people shot all those lame lame questions at her until she can't continue briefing.LOLS. And everyone left suddenly -.-" So i left too =p Guzheng was OKAYY. although I din really prac. EXCUSE ME? WHO HAS STRINGS NUMBER 4 and 6? thanks cindy! who helped me to get no.7 :) i din bring gz tee.blahs.At first I was super nervous cus algae might just come and scold me, BUT he didn't! haha. cus yin lao shi was there having lesson.the ever-so-nice desmond din black face too.HAHA.today is a lucky day! just ask me to play zhan tai feng only.BLAHS.I only played one out of six pages.hehe.cus not up to his standard if we play together.there is this new song which Im playing third sheng bu cause all are sec3 and 4.HAHA.jiayoujiayou.Gotta rush liao.going to see doctor for my leg :) |
Evelyn Hoh♥
4thMarch1992RJC 10A01B Hadley Hullett 04 evelynhoh@gmail jellybeanjars.lj adores♥ raspberry souffle. Moroccan Mint tea latte. frozen yogurt. stitch. volcom. debates. shades. late night talks. camps. pretty notebooks. mahjong. blazers. tcc. airports. faber drive. hey monday. Adidas Sleek Series. nat geo caffe small talk♥
adieu♥ Aaron Abel Afiqa AiYing Alethea AmandaLow Andrea Andrina BaiFeng Beverly CassandraChong ChaoHsien Charlene CharmaineNg CharmaineTeh Charis Cherise CherngShing CherylLeong CherylSeow Chrysan Clarence ClaraChooi Clarissa Denise Eisabess Emelia Estella EugeneChua EugeneLee EugeneThaddeusLee FangYu FeliciaKang FuZhong GongJing HaiWei HADLEYHULLETT! HanLyn HweeChang Irene Ivan James Jane Jarrel JasmineTeo Jency JianXiong JingRu JoelLim JoeyLee Jowell JudithAng Juulia KahSwee KaiWenPHOTOS Karine KevinLee KianChoong Kieran KitYeng LanYa Leonard(OBS) LiFen LiLin LiMin Lionel(OBS) LiTong Lorraine Mabel MatthewChan Michelle Moggallana Nick NHStudentCouncil Phoebe RachaelGan RachelChen RachelOon Ranie RaymondTham Rossellini Ruth QianYi SBMYouth SereneYeo Sherlyn Sherman ShiXiong SiLing Sinta Tazkiah Titus Valerie WanLing WenFu WenJing LeeXinYi YanLing YiAn YingChen YingHui YiNing YiYan YuYuan Archives
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