![]() Wednesday, November 30, 2005, 11/30/2005 06:34:00 PM
went iceskating today and I was a lil late again, BUT i was the first to reach.lols.yepyep.the skates bushuang with me issit? why all wear already also so unconfortable derhs?changed 3 pairs and got sick of it and decided to wear it though it wasn't so comfortable.lols.loads of pplx were there and more pplx fell.hehe.some idoitic guy grab my hand when he skated past in the opposite direction and of course i fell. %&$#^!@& luckiy i fell forward.lols.went to sommerset with weishan and huiting after skating.and huiting is pri sch de huiting.not the sec 2 councillor.hahs.yepyep.had subway and got myself a adidas shorts.saw somemore hollister clothes but not the design i wanted.lols.din see anything else that I wanted to buy, but would definately be going back to get more stuff.*waiting for new stock:)* Tuesday, November 29, 2005, 11/29/2005 02:07:00 PM
damn tired today.gz was crap cos' i din practise.We had a new somg.zhan tai feng.luckily I have the score:)But I think some pplx are still pissed.but anyway I got my gz tee back from SAC.left it there yesterday. =p gonna practise hard this holiday but hope they change the outing day.can't make it on 16thdec.SBMY camp.some pplx wanna see 5566 on that day too.lols.too badd I only lurrve songs but not the singers.appreciate their voice.really.suddenly got hooked on the CD: hits 2hot to handle.din find them so nice when I last heard them.actually I wanted to buy the MA-I-A-HI by guomeimei.the bu pa bu pa song is nice but not worth it.see if I can get the mp3 version.lols. I WANNA EAT COTTAGE PIES! but it is at pasir ris.lols.may go down but it's a lil far.nevertheless, i might be able to go to wanlingx stall to visit her(: jin liang kkx? hope mummie allow.cos later going to grandma's place.who wants to go iceskating tml at 10am? nanhuarians confirm going:ranie,yvonne,clara. xps-ites confirm going:weishan and huiting. tell me asap kaes? bring your frenx too!! hahs.rmb.10am @ fuji ice palace. Monday, November 28, 2005, 11/28/2005 10:32:00 PM
totally drained off my energy.glued to the computer for the whole day to do something to my blog but it was a total waste of time cos i have hardly gone through my links.still waiting for someone to help me do up my blogskin.lols.any kind soul?the only thing was I did was to get to know more about pplx stuff.din manage to read in detail.sort of started to speed read a bit.my skills are getting rusty.lols.then link a lil more pplx and oh i saw sth abt NH clean and green week @ kegan's blog.lols.I admit I was a lil blur at that day.not enuf sleep ya.did my best to recall what happened and some shadowy picture formed in my head.Actually we were quite pathetic.I mean from an outsider point of view.I din mean he was an outsider.If I were an outsider.hahs.but din really bother abt it that day cos' I din have the intention too.EXHAUSTION from the chalet.I better not go on abt the chalet, or you would hear rantings again.yupss.but it was darn funny when I thought back about it. , 11/28/2005 03:43:00 PM
slacked enough today.might go and study after I bathe =x might only. pon-ed guzheng today.thought everyone would go and in de end onlya few turned up.lols.hahs.yeechin did the opposite.she pon-ed council and went for gz.lols.other gz councillors were not in sch =x but yin lao shi was pretty angry =x oops.cos many pplx din turn up.but most would go tml cos' it would be the last lesson of the YEAR! woohoo.okay gz is fun but sometimes shld pon.opps.seniors oso bushuang cos i sort of pon-ed quite a number of times.oops=x paisehxpaisehxas I said, I went for council stuff though it was mainly crap and we played games thoughout lahs.I was happy today(: actually it was more of a registration briefing plus trial for orientation games.(:oops.it was more like we played and slacked while the guzheng pplx worked hard.*feel so badd.so I am definately going tml(:* yahs.some were really bored.but others were really FUN kaes? yahs. BEST GAME VOTED: captain's ball and the eno salt thingyy. and it was fun! yahs.then the sec3's were gaoxiao as usual lahs.somehow they told us not to puke everyting out on the court but somehow they were the ones to do that.hahs.nick and cass were challenging and both of them peng at the second station and all the foamy stuff came out from their mouths.lols.then jipeng puked it all on xueli.keliankelian.then we were like lols.self-entertain.then slacked at mac with yueli and hannqian b4 going home.gotta go. [to this unappreciate person: U can find all of the preparation a waste of time but don't you go around begging to join in when the fun part comes.I know you don't like council anymore but at least don't go around like you are being forced in here.don't like it then leave.council goes for quality not quantity.stop acting like you are oh-so-great and be a run-awayy-freak at the same time.IRRESPONSIBLE.at least others who have no more interest quit straight away or at LEAST do their duties faithfully.OR ELSE if they wanna slack, they guang ming zheng da de slack. what about you? you have been pretending to do them yet slack with the others of your kind.I shan't call u a bitch or slut cos u aren't even worth it.you were once a nice friend but not now. ohya.council is not just some place which you can come and go as you please.if you leave never act like you are still one.] -it is my choice of speech.if YOU see this and bushuang as usual, u may come and confront me.I would and had never been scared of you.if our bunch of friends decide to come too, it's fine with me(: *laughs* Saturday, November 26, 2005, 11/26/2005 07:00:00 PM
back from open hse.tired but feeling okay(:why okay? cos there were good and badd stuffies. I reached early! yay! then waited and waited until 8plus then the briefing finally started.lols. I was pitying qianyi initially cos' she got into the same grp as yihui AGAIN.but somehow I said that too fast.I got into the same grp too.lmao.for the first time, I WAS FREE FROM SUANing. yepyep.it was boring at first, but when the crowd came it, it was fun! stationed @ 1st floor lift lobby and qianyi @ 5th floor lift lobby.forgot that singapore parents are and would always be so kiasu.and the entire crowd wanted to listen to mr foo's talk.lols.the lift overloaded somewhat 7times but it was fine after that.(: *phew no breakdown* but that marks ending of the fun duty.cos' after lunch i was off to do ecogarden stuff.I was super 'on' to it at first, but after getting scolded several times, I got rather cranky and had no more mood.cos' firstly I was prevented from talking to parents except for eco stuff.lols.it was really lame lah.grrr...clarified with mr edmund ng already and what I said was CORRECT! OH PLEASE.IF U YOU DO NOT KNOW ABOUT THE SCHOOL, IT DOESN'T MEAN THAT WE DON'T.YOU SHOULD FEEL ASHAMED,NOT TO KNOW THE BASIC FACTS. AND ALSO, YOUR KIASI ATIITUDE HAS TO CHANGE.DON'T BE SO FREAKING AFRAID TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY.IF THIS FEW WORDS CAN TOUCH A PARENT'S HEART AND SEND THEIR CHILD TO NH, WHY NOT? YOU ARE JUST DISGRACING YOURSELF BY NOT ATTEMPTING TO ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS. suo tou wu gui. yepyep.and as usual, the act clever weakling DEBRIEF! maybe cos blahblahblah then I was pretty cheerful and stayed till it ended but din stay any longer cos dun really know the sec 3's.but i was happy! hahs. lurffe loads! it seems as though my heart has felt your presense and registered it in my mind. you make me wanna see you for another moment. you make me wanna get closer to you... Friday, November 25, 2005, 11/25/2005 08:07:00 PM
okay.I admit ground work ain't easy.went back to sch to help mr ng today..to move tables and whiteboards.blehs.now I know they aren't easy to carry up the stairs.lols.and also help sec 3's cut styrofoam.lols.then nicholas thought i was gonna cut my hand with the penknife.lols.today went back for rehearsal which lasted for less than an hour.then i went slacking at imm and wasted a lot of time.And now typing another letter, i shall not say what it is for,and yah.somehow thought about AKLTG again.these memories wouldn't leave me forever.not matter happy or sadd.now it seems to be the only thingy that makes me cry now. thats maybe the feeling is WARMING.the deepest feeling a heart can ever feel.it is the feeling of home.so warm and sweet,always ready for u.gotta go.mummie's nagging.tml I have got a long day in sch.(: AKLTG memories...
Thursday, November 24, 2005, 11/24/2005 02:45:00 PM
![]() ![]() karate girl! lols. Anyway this girl on da right is nice(: I know that the pics are a bit outdated but the memories lies within me forever.nicenice pplx from a nicenice place; which does not exist in reality. The reality which I had once thought was so easy to deal with, could actually be rather harsh and unbelievable. Time just passes when I do not realise; chances just slips out of my hands before I can catch them. Although AKLTG looks just nothing more than 2 training rooms,2 offices and 2 toilets; but it actually holds much more... It is the bond between friends which we feel; It is the satisfaction we have when we complete our task; it is the love that spreads through the room which makes us feel home; it is the enthusiasm which brightens up our lifes. lurffe akltg loads. =D Wednesday, November 23, 2005, 11/23/2005 11:16:00 PM
council rod was fun.though mostly was just sitting around, the atmosphere was correct...graduation atmosphere.Mrs Fonf brought her speciality: AGAR-AGAR! HAHS. but one very sadd tiingy: huiting and sharon are leaving us! *sobs* okays.though i duno them very well but still senior :) nicenice pplx.but all de best to them yahs? *smiles*And u can say that I am ignorant or whatever, but I have finally found a senior who is in Hwachong! lols.wanna make a guess? kegan.lols.I am simply lame.But somehow I am damn happy though I dun even know him.lurffe hwachong loads. gotta go.going back to sch tml for planning stuff.blehs. the best thing of the day: I managed to feel the graduation feeling.the warm feeling that makes you feel lyk u dun wanna leave.though not very strong, the atmosphere was nice.lurffe it! , 11/23/2005 09:30:00 AM
woke up at 9.01am thanks to ranie's "morning call" lols.abit late though but thanks.so i decided to pon guzheng since I was having a heavy head and was super blur.better than rushing to school cos' I would be late anyway.hahs.for the first time ranie is earlier than me! dots. council meeting in de afternoon.blahs.lazy to go to school;but it is still better than rotting at home.(:Tuesday, November 22, 2005, 11/22/2005 04:51:00 PM
went to cut my hair! lols.looking rather funny now but I am not left with any other chooice but to move on. #CHOICES HAVE CONSEQUENCES# so let's not regret it(: my blog is unofficially ready cos' i haven't made my own skin(this is temporary) and personalize the links and profiles.lols.loads to do but I am tied down with my schedule.lols.Monday, November 21, 2005, 11/21/2005 05:03:00 PM
back from malaysia! woots.damn tired thanks to my ever-so packed schedule.anyway, I still had and a fun time and met yanling a couple of times in there(: spendthrift habits activated again!hahs.bought 1 slingbag, 2 types of famous amos cookies, 3 nike ankle socks and 4 tops.(: oops =p And pierced my earhole at the same place again.damn cold thanks to the whatever solution. it was darn gaoxiao larhs.as long as u got $$$ and dare to, can pierce anywhere.lols.i really mean anywhere..hahs..but if infection then ur problem larhs..fri went genting.didn't really play much but not badd.(: got some rides and walkwalk.but din buy anytiingy.flying coaster rawks! And saw banana in chocolate with rainbow dots.lols.lame. sat went to port klang cos mum wanna go.dortx.but the fried banana damn nice.(: sun going home! but went to cosmo's theme park to play though.cos it is free! hahs.stay in times square got free tickets mahs.so i went to play and play.lmao.hahs.but i am so freaking tired now. cos in the morning got guzheng but i slept at 1 plus last night! lols.totally dunno how to play.hehe.then got a bit ill so went home...AND FORGOT TO BUY BUFFER! but going to grandma's hse for dinner now.buaixx. Wednesday, November 16, 2005, 11/16/2005 11:07:00 PM
blahs.i typed a post and forgot to save it and now it is GONE! lols. i re-typedit again.hahs.anyway,classchalet and 2day exhibition at suntec has ended and I am going to malaysia tMl.classchalet: OMG!!! totally crap.this means good and badd at extreme ends. good= [#o1] everyone met on time and we found the alohabus. [#o2] i got to eat chicken pies from cottage pies! [#o3] got to swim with more pplx [#o4] the chicken wings were cooked.not raw.hahs. =x [#o5] most pplx wished that the chalet was longer(: badd= [#o1] noon games cancelled [#o2] conflicts during bbq [#o3] many pplx gort blisters fm playing on the court for too many hours [#o4] some pplx got abit sian. [#o5] some guy known as mrchow got pissed caused of this reason:: we so long still haven't found a person above 18 to check out.lols.damn lame lahs.that's not the main point. the main tiingy is that he say we proposely make him angry somemore treat him as extra! HELLOOO! need tuu change ur specs liaos lehx... firstly we WERE asking just that u din see.furthermore, if i say i will settle, i will really settle.stop having ur stupid and brainless doubts abt my doings.u might be much more capable in terms of knowledge as compared to me...BUT... just to tell u if u didn't know-- akltg is much more understanding and reasonable.if u think u have have doubts just cos i join sbmy, for your info,all my trainers in akltg are christian.but they are muchmuch nicer.the reasons i wun go into detail cos no time liaos. *just rmb not tuu accuse pplx if u are not sure u have the full and correct details.* As i said, the problem was solved but i m still freaking pissed.then, these idiotic bunch of pplx(3pplx to be exact) were blabbering that i was in the wrong to say stuff abt mr chow.lols.as if the is lyk their master liddat.ewww....yucks. BUT i din give much of a damn of u bitches even though u all were bitch and barking about. dOn't let me catch u poking into my buisiness.u are not worthy of it."WHO THE HECK ARE YOU TO SCOLD ME? IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUISINESS" seriously, i din kick up a fuss cos i wasn't bothered to.your words struck me for a sec(when u first said it) but it did not have anymore effect after that.cos' it just refreshed my memory that u do not have much of significance AND importantance for me to tell u where u had left ur bitchy barks.*who let the dogs out?woof!woofwoofwoof! who let the dogs out?* if u all hate me cos u tink i love the him u are thinking of, u are wrong.but if that is what it takes to make u jealous...hmph... anyway I didn't really enjoy the exhibition either.but ii sure have learnt some stuff.once again as i have said: i go to learn and gain experience... it doesn't include enjoy; hence it was considered a successful experience.saw xps pplx and mdm ko :D also gort hershey's kisses fm a NYGH gal today(: eating away(: hwachong institution and tanglin sec de dance is NICE.this is compliment.(: yesterdy went to moonfish after exhibition.auntie hoon's treat(: lols.but very full due to the waffle from gelare cafe. so shared a 9 inch pizza and half dozen of escargots.damn nice.but i i m starting to think that i have eaten too much mushrooms this few days.hehs. today went to esplanade with weimann to slack and saw madeline and sabrina on out way back so i joined them to watch a movie.just like heaven.it was so darn touching kaes.a nicenice movie.(: *thumbsup*kahswee and yayi were late so reserved a aisle seat fer them; as a result i was seating in between him and chrys. really hard to balance mood.i mean both pplx mood so much diff.lols.keke.was abt a destiny of a guy and a gurl which were "fated to be together".cried a bit but i doubt anyone knew.my skills on putting on a fake mask are improving. Sunday, November 13, 2005, 11/13/2005 01:18:00 PM
yeesterday went to sembawang shopping centre to see wanlingx...wah, so good! can earn $$$. sort of glass deco booth liddat derhx.first tym see her make up de yang zi,chio! but natural oso veh nice derhx.mummie say tiis holiday dun let me work!!! whatever.she say want to work must wait until next year eoy finish liao then see if my results good nortx...and her good is *shocks* really good. EL:70, HCL:75, Science:75,History:80,Geography:82,Maths:70, Literature:65,Arts:65...blahs...work hard to earn money! woohoo! see if ii can finish my today derh work then can go pei wanlingx...Saturday, November 12, 2005, 11/12/2005 01:34:00 PM
at home today.under normal circumstances, i would have either went bowling with yihui or at least went sbmy;but yy am i still at home? ESCAPING REALITY. i know my way of staying home doesn't really work but anyway, I want to sort out my thoughts, but instead I am getting an entire nagging about positive stuff by aunt. please lah.shhh! OKAY, i just realised that adam was contridicting.he said for people to change we must first change ourselves; but he told our parents to change. the next thing i get is...MORE NAGGING.HUSH!got quite a couple or things to do today...OFF TO DO THEM...surpressing some thoughts but they always seem to come up to me again...shutting my mind down for sometime might be a good idea.this is not meant to be procastination! ohhs.anyway at council training debrief, des talked about what I told yihui earlier on abt the sec2 councillors stuff... Was pretty pissed off at first; a gust of betrayal wept past me. was he the one who told des what I told him? whatever. I really don't feel like blaming anyone at this point of time as it wouldn't make much sense anyway.didn't get an answer fm des cause he was rushing to work.wow! pro.at cine nehx...next year after eoy I am gonna work and work! hahs.a faster way of reaching my financial.no time to work this holiday.blahs.anyway, I couldn't seem to fit my ear stud back into my ear hole and poked till it got swollen.blahs.whatever.attempting to poke it tml morning when the swell has gone down... suddenly lurrve iceskating so much but it is so damn expensive; so only going on wed.(: qian bu rong yi zhuan, and I am not even earning lahs. cos i got no job. 30nov going iceskate no matter what.anyone wants to go? haix.dun think mummie and daddie will let me go work cos eoy results like shyt.I DUN CARE LIAOS! AFTER NEXT YEAR EOY MUST INTRO SOME JOBS TO ME KAES? but it seems such a long time away larhx. not enough $$ to use liaos...gotta shenshen yong until then bahx...rmb my goal...I AM GONNA DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO ACHIEVE IT! ... ... ... suddenly got an idea... that type of shop which sab and I used to make glass deco derh seems nice... hmph...*strive and wait* Tuesday, November 08, 2005, 11/08/2005 05:13:00 PM
yesterday at marriott wasn't too bad i guess.the food was nice too.(: but the oyster ain't fresh.had food poisoning.blehs.on a 2 day mc.lols.can't do much.but at least i made use of the day to read 3 pages of the dictionary.oops...still can't find sheng huo sui bi.SPRING CLEANING!
Sunday, November 06, 2005, 11/06/2005 04:15:00 PM
having spring cleaning today! As most of the holiday is packed and we would not have much time to do spring cleaning before the new year, hence we have decided to do bit by bit so that we wouldn't have much left and can go for the count down! small family rocks! We did the beds today.after cleaning dad's and mom's room, i ended up sneezing uncontrollably! aargh! my room wasn't too bad...not much dust(: cleaning taro's(hamster) home later before going to the national library(: anyway dad bought a new arowana yesterday.used to have 3 arowanas...2 at first, but they got too big so we let them go free in the reservior.bought another one but in de end it died of p.h water problems *sobs* shld have monitored it carefully.also went to sbmy yesterday.went downstairs for meditation just like the week before, cos' no one accompanies me upstairs.anyway i have not been practising concentration much since i left akltg... the power seemed to have decreased*sobs* i will do my best(: after the camp i will move upstairs...most probably.challenge.a academy pplx loves challenges.after most of the pplx of my age had left, i was still waiting for dad.so joined in the crapping(: went to geylang to eat the claypot rice.nice! but unfortunately i was too full to eat much.helped hongli to eat more cause they cooked too much. ^_^ but i don't think i would go back to eat.too expensive.rather eat at swensen's. going to national library later.hope that i would have a fun time(: Friday, November 04, 2005, 11/04/2005 11:26:00 PM
friday--- it marks the end of the first week of my holidays...BUT... i have't accomplished much.only went swimming once.then...slacked.played.hehe.planned a great deal of crap and realised that i haven't done newspaper articles.blehWednesday, November 02, 2005, 11/02/2005 06:51:00 PM
first 'news'... abigail and timotheus broke up. erps.fake reasons.false appearance.hidden thoughts.i've got nth else to say about them.(:second 'news'... chrysan's mum and nigel's dad gotta know about their relationship...and...the other parent doesn't.communicnation problem.i come from a happy family.i feel so contented to be in a family which does not have secrets amongst ourselves.(: anyway, mr foo and ms lim knows about it.hmmm....seems like nanhua's communication system is more effective.(: third 'news'... with effect from next year, we are no more nanhuasecondaryschool(nhss)...we are.... NAN HUA HIGH SCHOOL! hahs.if u leave out the sch and put it in abbrevation, we would NH square. nitrogen,hydrogen square.lame. fourth 'news' i am going to malaysia from the 17th to 20th november.(: anyone wants stuff from there? i am gonna savesavesave so that i can spendspendspend(: first 'quary'... people always say follow your heart...BUT we do not actually think or feel with our heart."u touched my heart..." we do not sense with the heart.all we get from the heart is blood.the heart pumps blood.truth. we do it with our brain.neurons. why don't they say u touched my brain??? not romantic enough issit?? why not just say I love your brain? *puzzled* anyway we were thought to do things logically.then again we were told to follow our heart(thoughts...to be accurate.) so what shall we do? craps. blahs.can any potential crapper with loads of correct information stored in their brains come and explain to me what i should do? okay fine.i personally do not really like weimann and yihui but their is no particular reason to that. so i am emotional unbalanced issit? lols. somehow, in most pplx eyes they are not well liked becoz they are doing too much.but i do not really think this is the cause of me not liking them. I SERIOUSLY FIND THAT YIHUI IS BEING BIASED. AND WEIMANN? CAUSE IT IS FREAKING ENVIDENT THAT IS IS OBVIOUSLY BOOTLICKING WHOEVER IS OF HIGHER AUTHORITY THAN HER! well, u can accuse me of not being understanding and accepting enough towards their personality.but even i am expected to change it would also take time.SOSHUDDUP. second 'quary'... gotta argee that gary is correct though he is damn crap.people say"aiya...i had more than 15 steads liao." dots. "we zou3 stead for 3 days then break liao.no more love." crap. going steady is being together for at least 2 or 3 years. OR ELSE IT IS KNOWN AS A FLING. even the newspaper says so.lols.' meanwhile i m going be a carefree girl. |
Evelyn Hoh♥
4thMarch1992RJC 10A01B Hadley Hullett 04 evelynhoh@gmail jellybeanjars.lj adores♥ raspberry souffle. Moroccan Mint tea latte. frozen yogurt. stitch. volcom. debates. shades. late night talks. camps. pretty notebooks. mahjong. blazers. tcc. airports. faber drive. hey monday. Adidas Sleek Series. nat geo caffe small talk♥
adieu♥ Aaron Abel Afiqa AiYing Alethea AmandaLow Andrea Andrina BaiFeng Beverly CassandraChong ChaoHsien Charlene CharmaineNg CharmaineTeh Charis Cherise CherngShing CherylLeong CherylSeow Chrysan Clarence ClaraChooi Clarissa Denise Eisabess Emelia Estella EugeneChua EugeneLee EugeneThaddeusLee FangYu FeliciaKang FuZhong GongJing HaiWei HADLEYHULLETT! HanLyn HweeChang Irene Ivan James Jane Jarrel JasmineTeo Jency JianXiong JingRu JoelLim JoeyLee Jowell JudithAng Juulia KahSwee KaiWenPHOTOS Karine KevinLee KianChoong Kieran KitYeng LanYa Leonard(OBS) LiFen LiLin LiMin Lionel(OBS) LiTong Lorraine Mabel MatthewChan Michelle Moggallana Nick NHStudentCouncil Phoebe RachaelGan RachelChen RachelOon Ranie RaymondTham Rossellini Ruth QianYi SBMYouth SereneYeo Sherlyn Sherman ShiXiong SiLing Sinta Tazkiah Titus Valerie WanLing WenFu WenJing LeeXinYi YanLing YiAn YingChen YingHui YiNing YiYan YuYuan Archives
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